There are several indicators that can signify a budding alcohol problem. The University of Maryland Health Center lists ten warning signs of problematic drinking:1
- Getting drunk repeatedly
- Continuing to drink when others have called it quits
- Comments and attitudes of peers indicating concern on their part for your drinking
- Drinking due to a compelling need for alcohol when lonely, depressed, anxious, etc.
- Experiencing blackouts
- Feeling more comfortable under the influence of alcohol than when sober
- Increasing tolerance and decreased hangover symptoms
- Out-of-character behavior
- A pattern of negative consequences associated with alcohol use
- Rationalizing/excusing the need for alcohol and becoming defensive when others express concern
1 UMD University Heath Center: 10 Warning Signs. August 5, 2002.

Man with alcohol problems
- Warning Signs of Alcoholism – Drinking to deal with anger. Drinking to deal with anger. – Changing friends or personal habits.Changing friends or personal habits. – Being defensive about drinking. Being defensive about drinking. – Feeling depressed. Feeling depressed. – Drinking alone.Drinking alone. – Drinking just to get drunk. Drinking just to get drunk.
- Abstinence syndrome – a sign of alcoholism.
- Woman alcoholic.