Drug Abuse

Welcome to “Drug Abuse”, a category intended to guide addicts, and loved ones of those addicted, through the processes of identifying and understanding addiction and dependency, researching treatment options, and beginning on the path to recovery.

Whether you are taking the first steps toward recovery or you want to help a family member who is in the throes of addiction, know that true recovery is possible. While addiction can seem all encompassing and recovery can appear so far away, with the proper treatment and support, addicts achieve full recovery every day. Don’t let addiction continue to take its toll on your life, or the life of someone you love. Call today to learn how to get effective, compassionate help.

Different Types of Substance Abuse

Alcohol and drugs often affect people differently. Inside this category, you’ll find expert, easy-to-understand information about the impact of many of the most common (and dangerous) types of drug abuse so you are able to make the best decisions for breaking the cycle of addiction. Whether it is you, or a loved one, who is suffering from a drug abuse problem, it is important that you understand how addiction works and what options exist to aid in your recovery. With any issue, the first step is admitting a problem exists and then learning what you can do to begin the process of healing.

Here, you will learn about:

  • Understanding Denial, Codependency and Other Obstacles
  • •Interventions: How They Work and If One Is Needed
  • •Facing the Withdrawal Process
  • •Choosing a Recovery Plan: From Detox and Rehab to Aftercare and Recovery Programs
  • •Tips for Staying Clean and Achieving Lasting Sobriety
  • •How Specific Substances Affect the Mind and Body
  • •Commonly Abused Drugs: Alcohol, Marijuana, Heroin, Vicodin, Cocaine, OxyContin, and Crystal-Meth

Identifying a Drug Problem

Because most individuals are either unwilling or unable to admit that they have a drug abuse problem, it often falls upon family and friends to call attention to the issue, and to motivate the addict to get the treatment and help they need.  Although every drug addiction problem is unique, there are several common signs and symptoms that are found in most addictions, including:

  • •             Depression and anxiety
  • •             Withdrawal from family and friends
  • •             Poor performance at work or school
  • •             Borrowing or stealing money
  • •             Long, unexplained absences
  • •             Being arrested or having trouble with the law
  • •             Anger, violence or other irrational behavior
  • •             Dramatic changes in physical appearance such as weight loss or gain, tooth decay, skin problems or hair loss

Specific symptoms of drug abuse or addiction will vary according to the particular drug of choice. If you suspect your loved one is abusing a specific drug, keep an eye out for symptoms of abuse that pertain to that drug. For example, marijuana addiction may cause lethargy, sleepiness, paranoia and an overall lack of motivation. Conversely, cocaine addiction may result in fidgeting, bursts of energy and rapid speech.

Browse articles on the category to learn more about the most effective ways to identify a substance abuse problem and get someone into an effective drug treatment program. Once you have confirmed that abuse or addiction is present, you can talk to your loved one about getting the help they need. In some cases, an intervention is a good idea – in this setting, family members and friends can talk to the addict about the effects of their addiction. Interventions are conducted in a loving, nonjudgmental manner so the addict does not feel attacked by the group but rather is impacted by the care of their loved ones.

Drug Addiction and Abuse Treatment Help

The most effective way to treat drug abuse or dependence is through the comprehensive care offered by a qualified drug rehab program.   While there are several different types of drug rehab centers located throughout the United States, almost all feature three core elements: detox, counseling and aftercare.

Detox helps the individual overcome the physical aspect of drug abuse and addiction by allowing the body to be cleansed of harmful drug toxins. Often painful and potentially life threatening, it is important to assess the subject’s condition to determine if medically assisted detoxification is necessary. In medically assisted detox, medical personnel administer medications that manage withdrawal symptoms. This makes the detox process less painful for the addict and allows the body to be slowly weaned off the substances of abuse.

Counseling gives the individual a chance to explore the root causes of their problem, and better understand the “triggers” that led to drug abuse and addiction. Individual, group or other specialized forms of counseling and therapy are common in rehabilitation facilities and programs. This is where the true work of recovery takes place, as the addict gets to the reasons behind their addiction. Once those reasons are addressed, the addict can learn to manage their triggers and truly progress in recovery.

Finally, aftercare programs help the individual make a smooth transition back into life after treatment. This may include placement at a sober living facility, drug testing, meeting with a behavioral health counselor, or other regularly scheduled outpatient services.

To learn more about the different types of addiction treatment, including residential rehab, outpatient addiction treatment and holistic drug programs, we hope you will read related articles on the category.

We profile drug addiction treatment centers that help addicts overcome addiction. From improper use of prescription medication to steroid use for performance enhancement, there are resources to help those in need and we are here to help you find them. If you have any questions about addiction treatment, or if you would like assistance finding an addiction treatment facility that can provide needed help to you or your loved one, contact us today. We are here 24/7 to help.

Drug Abuse. Categories and Articles.