Amphetamine is a chemical compound that has a stimulating effect on the Central nervous system. These drugs are called psychostimulants because their action is based on stimulation of the body’s production of a neurotransmitter (i.e. a substance that helps the transmission of nerve excitation in the nerve cells) of adrenaline. The latter is also called stress hormone: your body begins to produce it in extreme conditions, require to concentrate all forces to repel any external influence. The effects of adrenaline leads to shortness of breath, narrowing of the arteries and raising blood pressure, increasing the heart rate. As a result – the acceleration of blood flow and supply more oxygen to the tissues and organs, the acceleration of metabolic processes, the release of large amounts of energy – this allows a person to think fast and move. In addition, decreased appetite and need for sleep – the adrenaline activates the sympathetic system. As a consequence, the amphetamine was used in diet. Under the influence of amphetamine increased by the selection of another neurotransmitter – dopamine: in vivo increases when a person enjoys. A certain amount of these hormones is in the blood and maintains the proper level of our everyday mental activity. But there is a reserve, and the action of amphetamine leads to the release of mediators from the reserves. But these reserves are not infinite, so frequent long-term use of drugs group of amphetamines leads to several problems.
- Grams of amphetamine
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- Dextroamphetamine. dexamphetamine tablets.
- Tracks drug. Amphetamine
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