Addiction Rehab Help Options

Of the millions of people currently living with drug addictions, only a handful will ever be able to truly quit without professional help. The overwhelming majority of these men and women will need the services of a drug rehab program in order to learn how to live each day without the assistance of drugs or alcohol. The American Medical Association defines drug addiction as a medical condition so it’s important to remember that addiction is not a matter of willpower. Addicts need real, professional intervention in order to recover. Drug addiction rehab help is the most comprehensive form of treatment for this potentially life-threatening condition.

Different Types of Drug Rehab

While drug rehabilitation treatment comes in many varieties, most take on one of two forms – either outpatient treatment or residential rehab. Although both of these methods of treatment offer many of the same programs (such as detox, individual counseling, group therapy and aftercare), it is the means by which they engage the individual that makes them different. The following is a look at each primary form of drug addiction rehab help. Regardless of your specific type of addiction, there is a treatment program out there that will work well for you. Contact us for more information on available options.

Residential Drug Addiction Programs

For many individuals, simply living day-to-day in their home environment is enough to make their addiction worse. These men and women need a place to go where they can leave the distractions and temptations of the outside world behind and focus solely on their recovery from addiction. That is where residential drug and alcohol rehab comes into play. Residential treatment has the individual move into the treatment facility for an extended period of time so they can be 100-percent focused on their rehab care. In general, residential treatment is recommended for those with severe addictions or those who have relapsed back to drug use after prior treatment.

Outpatient Drug and Alcohol Rehab

An outpatient program has the individual attend counseling and other treatment programs during the day (or during the early evening) and then return home in the evenings. These treatment programs are not as intense as residential care. Since the individual is on her own for much of the time, she must not have an addiction so serious that it requires round-the-clock care from treatment professional. Outpatient rehab is the ideal solution for those who must maintain a presence at home, work or school or for those who cannot afford the sometimes high price tag associated with residential treatment.

Holistic Help for Drug Dependence

Many of the top drug rehab programs in the country now offer holistic care options as part of their treatment plans. These traditional Eastern practices help the individual enhance the mind-body-spirit connection, making them stronger inside and out as they move through the rigors of rehab. Among the most common types of holistic care being incorporated into holistic rehab are:

  • Yoga and meditation to help the individual focus more clearly on their recovery, shutting out all outside distractions.
  • •Acupuncture to help treat stress or addictive behavior.
  • •Nutritional counseling is not technically an Eastern form of medicine but it does fit within the holistic model as it helps the individual learn how to live a healthier life naturally.

The best programs are those that integrate these holistic practices into the proven mainstream aspects of effective treatment. In the case of a residential treatment center, the individual would attend counseling at certain points throughout the day, and then take part in these holistic activities during their “down time” and other periods within the schedule.

Duration of Treatment

The average drug rehab program lasts between one to three months. This duration may vary based on the seriousness of the individual’s condition and their history of relapse. Long-term drug rehab help can go for a full-year or longer if deemed necessary by the treatment staff.

Remember that recovery is not over once a person leaves a treatment center. There is no definitive “cure” for addiction; instead, recovery is a lifelong process that recovering addicts continue to work towards. Over time, the journey gets easier but it’s a continuous journey.

Finding Drug Addiction Help

Individuals who are suffering from addiction often need the help and support of loved ones in order to find treatment. You can ask doctors or mental health professionals about the best drug rehab programs in your area. These medical professionals are well versed in the addiction treatment field and help direct individuals to programs that enjoy high success rates in treating men and women who are suffering from addiction. Also, you can contact us at any time of day or night to get more information on your available treatment options. There are all sorts of treatment programs available all across the country; it’s important to find one that fits your needs well to ensure an environment that is most conducive to recovery.