Help For Addicts

An individual who is addicted to drugs is not going to be able to stop using on their own. Some will try to go it alone and may even succeed for a period of weeks or months, but without the expert counseling and detox found at a drug rehab center, there is a strong chance that they will soon relapse into their addictive behavior. The question then becomes, how does an individual find drug abuse help?

The following is an introduction to the different ways individuals and their loved ones can seek out professional drug abuse treatment and what they can expect upon enrolling in the program.

Interventions for Addicts

According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, men and women with drug addictions often live in a state of denial. They are either unwilling or unable to admit that they even have a problem with drugs. Therefore, it falls to friends, family and coworkers to help that individual see that they have a serious condition that is threatening their life and their relationships with the people they care about most. The most effective way to accomplish this goal is through a drug intervention – a meeting where concerned friends and family members gather together to confront the individual about their drug abuse problem and how it is affecting the lives of those around them.

How Addiction Treatment Centers Help Those Abusing Drugs

The absolute best way for an individual to get help with a drug abuse problem is through the comprehensive care offered at an addiction treatment center. Drug rehab centers offer a multi-faceted approach to addiction and drug abuse recovery that addresses both the physical and psychological components of these conditions. At most programs across the United States, this is accomplished through a combination of detox, counseling and aftercare.

Detox, Drug Abuse and Addiction Help

How important is detox to the recovering addict?  Most drug rehab centers will not allow the individual to continue on with the recovery treatment process until detox is 100 percent complete. Detox is the process of cleansing the system of the harmful toxins found in drugs. This is accomplished either through natural detox (where the individual goes “cold turkey”) or medical detox (the individual uses a synthetic version of the original drug, such as when methadone or buprenorphine is used to treat opiate addiction). The latter of these two processes takes longer to complete, but bring about fewer and less severe withdrawal symptoms. In fact, for some addictions, medication is an essential part of the detox process, and some addicts continue to take maintenance medication for months or even years. Detox isn’t required for all addictions; intake professionals at the treatment center will determine if it appropriate for the individual in question.

Drug Addiction Counseling

If an individual wants to enjoy long-term sobriety, they will need to address the core issues that lie at the heart of their substance abuse problem. This is accomplished through drug counseling. Most of the individual’s treatment will involve one of the three following types of counseling:

  • •Individual counseling.  This counseling helps identify the “triggers” that cause drug abuse behavior and shows individuals how to respond to these triggers in a healthier, more productive manner.
  • •Group counseling. This gives addicts a chance to sit down and share stories and experiences with other recovering addicts in the program. Many people have positive “breakthroughs” during group therapy as it the first time they have ever opened up and discussed their drug abuse problem with others.
  • •Family counseling. This type of counseling helps heal the familial relationships that were wounded by drug abuse and addiction. Family members also learn how to communicate with their loved one in such a way that enhances the recovery process.

Aftercare Programs

The final piece of the drug abuse treatment puzzle is aftercare. Aftercare programs help individuals prepare for life after rehab. The recovering addict may be faced with daily temptations or distractions that threaten their ongoing sobriety. Aftercare provides support and instruction so that relapse is less likely to occur.

The most common forms of drug abuse aftercare are:

  • •12-step groups.  Narcotics Anonymous (NA) and Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) are two of the most popular 12-step group programs. They provide a place where individuals can get support from their peers in recovery. There are 12-step programs such as NA and AA in almost every major city in the United States. There are also niche 12-step groups for specific drugs of addiction, such as Cocaine Anonymous (CA) and Heroin Anonymous (HA).
  • •Follow-up counseling. Sometimes, an individual will return to the drug rehab center for follow-up therapy that provides a “tune-up” and ongoing support and encouragement.
  • •Sober living. Living at a sober residence gives the individual a chance to get back on their feet emotionally and financially before re-entering their daily lives. These homes are warm, supportive environments populated exclusively by other recovering addicts.

If you’d like more information on drug addiction treatment, contact us today. There are plenty of established programs available all across the United States that can help you start on the road to sobriety. Whether it is you or your loved one who needs help, don’t hesitate. Call now.