The Relationship, if there is any, between Herpes and Cancer

Many people suffer from herpes simplex virus. There are two main types of the virus. Both are very contagious and neither can be cured. Treatments are available that will suppress the virus and decrease the amount of outbreaks that an infected individual will experience. Herpes simplex virus-1 is the cause of cold sores and presents itself with sores on the lips, mouth and the face of an individual. This type is also known as oral herpes. Herpes simplex virus-2 is also known as genital herpes. It presents itself with clusters of blister formations that burst leaving sores or lesions. These presentations of genital herpes occur in the genital area of the individual. Genital herpes is a sexually transmitted disease. Long term effects for men may be impotence while women can suffer from cervical cancer. These effects are very rare but possible. Other than these rare cases, there is no definite link between herpes and cancer that has been found.

Effects of Herpes

Many individuals suffer from outbreaks of genital herpes every month while others may only experience a few outbreaks every year. These outbreaks will usually lessen over time and may completely disappear. Some individuals who have herpes may never have an outbreak. Painful blisters and lesions can be experienced during an outbreak of genital herpes. There are many natural methods that can be very effective in relieving the symptoms associated with a genital herpes outbreak as the blisters or lesions can leave scars for some people.

For those who have mild or no symptoms at all, it may be years after they have been infected before they actually find out the proper diagnosis. Many people often think they have been bitten by insects, have abrasions, jock itch, yeast infections or some other type of skin condition. There are others who may endure redness and swelling of the penis, anus or vulva. They may have a hard time eating due to nausea and loss of appetite. Numerous people feel very fatigued and just simply do not feel well. They may have a low grade fever, tiny blisters in their genital area, sore throat and other flu-like symptoms.

Transmission of Herpes

Anyone that is sexually active can be at a greater risk of becoming infected with genital herpes. It can be contracted from skin to skin contact with an infected area of the body. A skin break can be a portal for the HSV infection to enter the body as well. When there are no signs and symptoms of herpes, it is still possible to contract the virus. HSV remains in the body of an infected person throughout their life time. It can remain dormant for years and then suddenly present itself. Even though there are no signs and symptoms, a person can still transmit the virus to others. Asymptomatic shedding is when the virus is on the skin’s surface but no signs are present. The virus is contagious at this time also.

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