What Are the Factors that Can Cause Recurring Outbreaks?

Many individuals suffering with Herpes simplex Virus or HSV have severe and frequent outbreaks. Some people experience outbreaks once or twice a month while others may only have recurring outbreaks several times a year. Most people with Herpes seek the attention of their physician in order to obtain treatment. There is no cure for Herpes and it is a sexually transmitted disease that is very contagious, however, there are treatments that will help in suppressing the severity and frequency of outbreaks. In the following, you will find certain factors that may cause frequent or recurring outbreaks. These are often termed as triggers.

  • A person suffering with a great deal of stress will be at a higher risk of having severe and/or frequent outbreaks of HSV.
  • Anyone with other health conditions or illnesses such as cancer, leukemia or HIV will likely experience recurring Herpes Simplex Virus outbreaks due to their weak immune systems.
  • Many HSV sufferers have an increase of outbreaks with sexual intercourse. These individuals may find that using a good water based lubricant during sex may decrease outbreaks of this nature.
  • Sunburn greatly irritates the skin. This type of skin irritation has been found to elevate the number of outbreaks an infected person must endure.
  • During pregnancy, a woman’s body undergoes many hormonal changes. Hormone levels often fluctuate throughout the entire pregnancy. These hormonal changes will often cause an increase in the number of outbreaks the woman experiences.
  • During menstruation, a woman may also suffer recurring outbreaks.
  • Those experiencing a great amount of fatigue will also be likely to have frequent outbreaks of HSV.

Factors or triggers that cause outbreaks in those with HSV will vary from one person to another. Once a person learns what triggers their own outbreaks, they can work to control the factors. Many people experience prodromal symptoms (early warning signs) before actual outbreaks occur. These prodromal symptoms present two to three days before an outbreak. Prodromal symptoms may include pain, tingling, itching and other sensations. Outbreaks can be more easily managed when the infected person also learns to realize these prodromal symptoms as a warning of the upcoming outbreak.

Brief Look at Oral and Genital Herpes

Individuals may suffer from one of two main types of HSV or herpes simplex virus. Herpes simplex virus-1 or HSV-1 is also known as oral herpes. This is the virus that causes cold sores. It can be seen on the mouth, face and lips as well as other rare areas. Oral Herpes is extremely common and nearly 90% of the population has had this type of the virus. The other type is herpes simplex virus-2 or HSV-2 which is called genital herpes. It presents with a cluster formation of fluid filled blisters that will erupt forming lesions on the genitals of those infected. Genital herpes is one of the most common sexually transmitted diseases.

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