Psilocybin affects the central nervous system by disturbing the normal interaction of nerve cells and the functioning of the neurotransmitter serotonin, to which it is structurally similar(1). The effects produced by psilocybin and psilocyn are highly variable and depend on several factors, including the age, type, and dosage amount of mushroom used, the setting the mushroom is used in, the users expectations, past drug experiences, and personality. The effects of synthesized psilocybin and psilocyn are more predictable. Mushrooms can take 20 minutes to 2 hours to take effect, and will last for 3 to 6 hours(2).
Physical effects include:(3)
- Nausea, vomiting, abdominal cramps, and diarrhea
- Muscle relaxation, weakness, and twitches
- Yawning, drowsiness, dizziness, lightheadedness, and lack of coordination
- Pupil dilation, tearing, dry mouth, and facial flushing
- Increased heart rate, blood pressure, and body temperature
- Sweating followed by chills and shivering
- Numbness of tongue, lips, or mouth
- Feelings of physical heaviness or lightness and feelings of floating
Psychological effects include:
- Heightened sensory experiences and perceptual distortions (i.e. brighter colors, sharper visual definition, increased hearing acuity, more distinguished taste)
- Auditory, tactile, and visual hallucinations
- Synesthesia (melding of the senses: seeing music or hearing colors)
- Difficulty focusing, maintaining attention, concentrating, and thinking
- Impaired judgment and preoccupation with trivial thoughts, experiences, or objects
- Sense of detachment from body and surroundings and loss of boundaries between the two
- Altered perception of space and time
- Inability to distinguish fantasy from reality
- Melding of past experiences with present
- Feelings of unity with the environment
- Feelings of involvement with intense spiritual experiences
- Tension, anxiety, and restlessness
- Highly adverse reactions (“bad trip”), including frightening hallucinations, confusion, disorientation, paranoia, agitation, depression, panic, and/or terror
- National Institute on Drug Abuse. (2001, March). Research Report Series: Hallucinogens and Dissociative Drugs. Retrieved February 3, 2004, from
- Brands, et. al. (1998); DEA, Club Drugs: An Update; DEA, Drugs and Chemicals of Concern: Psilocybin; Nordegren, T. (2002).
- 10 Brands, et. al. (1998); DEA, Club Drugs: An Update; DEA, Drugs and Chemicals of Concern: Psilocybin; Partnership for Awareness, Mushrooms; Nordegren, T. 2002.
Psilocybin magic mushrooms:

The effects of psilocybin.
Psilocybin magic mushrooms.