Variations of the Herpes Virus and what each means

There are 8 herpes virus’s that affect different areas of the body. Herpes viruses are incurable; as the outbreak symptoms can only be treated. The individual will still have the virus after treatment; the only difference is that he or she will not suffer with any outbreaks and the virus will lay dormant until something unknown triggers an outbreak.

HHV5 Cytomegalo Virus

HHV5 stands for Human Herpes Virus 5.
The HHV5 virus is a slow Cytomegolo virus that will only cause an outbreak in approximately 7-14 days after the person has become infected. Research has indicated that the HHV5 Virus has cellular genes which have been acquired during the evolution of the virus.

This virus affects the immune system of an individual’s body and speeds up the aging process of the immune system. When the immune system function is altered or stopped in anyway it is known as Immunosenescence. Immunosenescence occurs mostly in the elderly generation. This infection can be found widely spread through out the body and is commonly associated with the salivary glands. It can be spread by organ donation, blood transfusions and even breast feeding.
If the patient is suffering from a chronic virus i.e. HIV, AIDS, TB etc, their situation become life threatening as their immune system is compromised with the virus. Symptoms can include loss of sight and internal infections. This virus can also be passed to an unborn child before birth.


Should someone have HHV5, they should make use of immune boosters and seek medical treatment immediately.
A healthy diet and exercise will aid your immune system to rejuvenate itself. Allergies and sinus infection should be treated at the earliest stage to avoid complications and discomfort.

HHV6 Roseolo Virus

This Virus was discovered in by an institute for cancer in 1986.
This virus infects the white blood cells (T-Lymphocytes) of an individual and is why the Cancer Institute discovered it first.

The HHV6 Virus (also known as the Chronic Fatigue Syndrome) will not causes cold sores, chickenpoxs or blisters etc. the disease can be found in children and is known by the name of Childhood Roseola Virus.

Symptoms of this condition include a fever, fatigue, sore throat, swollen glands or rash and is spread via saliva (saliva particle in the air). Babies and Infants can be affected with the Virus before the age of two with symptoms being very mild or showing no sign at all. Severe signs in infants include convulsions as a result of a high temperature.

If the HHV6 virus is not treated correctly it can develop into a bone marrow infection or brain infection resulting in severe consequences on ones health and state of being.

The HHV6 Virus in the brain can cause seizers. The virus can be transmitted via saliva exchange and it is a known fact that 95% of everyday individuals have antibodies that have tested positive for the HHV6 virus.

The virus will infect and destroy the cells that produce the fatty coating called myelin. Myelin’s main purpose in the bodies is to protect the nervous cells. This causes a disruption or break in the linkage that the body has with the nervous system and other various organs and cells.

The HHV6 virus can be subdivided into two categories:

  • The HHV6A, which is found commonly in children and can occur in any stage of the individual’s childhood.
  • The HHV6B is known to be the most common cause of Roseola and most of the population has the antibodies needed for this virus.

Treatment for the HHV6 virus can take the form of:

  • Viral drugs
  • Immune system boosters
  • It is important to treat fever and irritability as this provided more relief than going after the virus itself.

HHV6 is a serious condition and medical advice should be sought after urgently, if virus is suspected.


HHV7 is commonly associated with the HHV6 virus. Symptoms and causes of the HHV7 virus are similar in nature and research has not gone deep into the creation of the virus, in order to determine whether or not the virus can cause any diseases and visible symptoms.
The HHV7 virus also has the ability to lie dormant and then later establish a latent infection.
The symptoms that occur with the HHV6 and HHV7 viruses are very much similar in nature and can be easily confused with each other.

HHV8 Rhadinovirus

Kaposi’s Sarcoma (KS) is an associated herpes virus and is also known as HHV8.
This virus is a member of the Rhadinovirus and can be found in humans and ruminants (animals-rabbits, mice, etc.). The virus lodges itself onto the body’s chromosomes and can posses or steals up to 100 genes from our gene pool.
An infection by this virus will be life long as it has the ability to copy or replicate the body’s cellular gene, and as thousands of particles that are virus infected can be made from a single cell, this condition results in huge cell deaths.
Tumors from this virus can occur. These are usually malignant, however they may become cancerous.
Imuno suppressed AIDS patients are more susceptible to the HHV8 virus and their symptoms tend to be much worse.

Electron microscopy was used to identify this virus. The virus can be transmitted sexually and non-sexually.

Studies have indicated that a high percentage of gay men are infected with HHV8, hence having a lot of sexual partners increases the risk of the virus spreading.
During organ donation, if an HHV8 infected individual is in a position of receiving an organ the chances of the donated organ surviving and functioning correctly are reduced.


Treatment is highly categorized as to how serious and what phase the condition is in.
When a tumor has been identified laser irradiation and chemotherapy is the most common choice of treatment. The side effects are however numerous with this type of treatment.
It is paramount to practice safe sex at all times.
Antiviral drugs have been found to be successful should the HHV8 virus be caught before Tumor formation.

Foods and Vitamins/Tips That Help Boost Your Immune System

  1. Vitamin A which is found in eggs, butter, cod liver oil and beef liver. Try going for the organic approach when purchasing these foods as these food are high in natural nutrients. Pro Vitamin A found in sweet potatoes, carrots, butter nuts and squash.
  2. A diet high in anti-oxidants is recommended.
  3. Vitamin C found in Oranges, broccoli, strawberries, green peppers, brussels sprouts and honeydew.
  4. Vitamin E found in almonds and canola oil, soy bean and nuts.
  5. Zinc found in beef, lamb, pork, crab meat, lobster and chicken.
  6. Get adequate rest
  7. Destress and relax. Sit by a pool or in the garden to gather thoughts and relax. Meditation is a good relaxing technique.
  8. Try and go on to a well balanced diet with the necessary minerals and nutrients to aid the body in the fight against the virus and infections. Green, raw vegetables are always a good choice to eat.
  9. Take multi vitamin.
  10. Exercise and drink plenty of water to help flush any toxins out the system.
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