Organizations for the Overall Use of Cannabis
1. Business Alliance for Commerce in Hemp (BACH) P.O. Box 71093 Los Angeles, CA 90071-0093
(310) 288-4152 FAX: (510) 215-TEAM
An organization dedicated to the restoration of industrial hemp, the reinstitution of medical marijuana, and private use of cannabis by citizens 18 years or older.
2. Cannabis Action Network (cAN)
2560 Bancroft Way #46 Berkeley, CA 94704
(510) 486-8083
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National grassroots nonprofit organization working to reform marijuana laws in the medical, industrial, spiritual and personal use areas.
3. Help End Marijuana Prohibition (H.E.M.P.) 5632 Van Nuys Blvd., #310 Van Nuys, CA 91401
(818) 988-6210 FAX: (818) 988-3319
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This organization works towards the total relegalization of cannabis for medicine, industry, nutrition, as well as personal use for persons over 21. H.E.M.P. also wants the release of all non-violent prisoners incarcerated for marijuana-related offenses.
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4. Hemp Environmental Activists P.O. Box 724
Battle Creek, MI 49016
(616) 968-2550
A nonprofit organization focusing on the food, fuel, and fiber value of hemp.
5. Hemp Industries Association (FHA) P.O. Box 1080
Occidental, CA 95465
(500) HIA-HEMP
(707) 874-3648 FAX: (707) 874-1104
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6. The International Hemp Association (IHA)
Postbus 75007
1070 AA Amsterdam
The Netherlands
Phone/Fax: 31-20-618-8758
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The IHA acts as a liaison between academia, industry, and government, providing scientifically validated information on cannabis through the publication of its biannual, peer-reviewed journal. It also provides primary financial support for maintenance of the irreplaceable cannabis germplasm collection at the Vavilov Research Institute in St. Petersburg, Russia. Membership is invited by inquiry to the above address.
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