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Cannabis in Medical Practice

A legal, historical and pharmacological overview of the therapeutic use of marijuana

by Mary Lynn Mathre Ed. 1997

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# Article Title Author Hits
1 Contents Mary Lynn Mathre 112
2 Acknowledgments Mary Lynn Mathre 129
3 Introduction Mary Lynn Mathre 137
4 People Behind the Pain Norman Elliot Kent 126
5 Legal Issues Related to the Medical Use of Marijuana Kevin Zeese 180
6 History of Therapeutic Cannabis Michael Aldrich 179
7 Pharmacology and Toxicity of Cannabis Denis J Petro 163
8 As an Antiemetic and Appetite Stimulant for Cancer Patients Daniel A Dansak 174
9 AIDS and the Wasting Syndrome Walter Krampf 138
10 Glaucoma: A Patient's View Robert Randall 143
11 The Use of Certain Cannabis Derivatives (Canasol) in Glaucoma Manley West 168
12 Spasticity and Chronic Pain Denis J Petro 107
13 Seizure Disorders Denis J Petro 131
14 Use of Cannabis or THC in Psychiatry Milton Earl Burglass 127
15 Cannabidiol as an Anxiolytic and Antipsychotic Antonio Zuardi & Fransico Guimares 172
16 Dosage and Administration of Cannabis Madelyn Z Brazis 159
17 Cannabis and Pregnancy Melanie C Dreher 130
18 Risk of Dependence and Addiction Mary Lynn Mathre 158
19 Nutritional Value of Hemp Seed and Hemp Seed Oil Don Wirtschafter 152
20 Economic and Environmental Potential of Cannabis Robert Connell Clarke 165
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