The Methadone Briefing was written and edited by: Andrew Preston
Online edition: designed & hosted by
Thanks to Martindale Pharmaceuticals for the educational grant which has made publication of the Methadone Brieifng possible.
Contributing authors: Gerald Bennett, BSc, MPhil, PhD, AFBPs, SCPsycol, East Dorset Drug Team. Sile O'Connor, BSc (Pharm), DAS, MPSI, MRPhS, Addictions Directorate Pharmacist, Maudsley Hospital, London. Philip Fleming, FRCPsych, Consultant Psychiatrist, Portsmouth Health Care NHS Trust, Northern Road Clinic, Portsmouth. Mike Blank, RMN, General Manager, Derwen NHS Trust, Carmarthen. Francis Keaney, MB, MICGP, Registrar in Psychiatry, The Maudsley Hospital, London. John Derricott, RGN, RMN, Drug Trainer, HIT, Liverpool. Tom Aldridge, BA, MPhil, CQSW, Freelance Trainer and Consultant. Janie Sheridan, Phd, MRpharmS, Research Pharmacist, The National Addiction Centre, London.
© The Methadone Briefing. 1996 Andrew Preston. © The Methadone Briefing - online edition. 2003 Andrew Preston.

Peer reviewers: Michael Farrell, National Addiction Centre. Mary Glover, MSc, BSc, CQSW, Social Worker, CADAS drug team, Dorchester. Kim Hager, Director, Exeter Drugs Project. Andy Malinowski, BA, MSc, CQSW, Director, Druglink, Swindon. John Merrill, Consultant in drug dependence, Drugs North West, Manchester. Duncan Rastrick, MRCPsych, Mphil, Clinical Director, Leeds Addiction Unit. Harry Shapiro, Institute for the Study of Drug Dependence, London. Nick Wilson, RGN, RMN, Project Manager, CADAS, Dorchester.

Thanks also to the following for their help in checking facts and offering advice and suggestions for the book: Jackie Ackhurst, Medical Information, Britannia Pharmaceuticals. David Beattie, Senior Translator/Medical Writer, Hoechst Rousell Pharmaceuticals, UK. John Davies, Wellcome Foundation. Driver and Vehicle Licensing Authority, Swansea. Pam Fields, Wigan CDT. Alan Fisher, Martindale Pharmaceuticals. John Gerrard, Home Office Drugs Inspectorate. Russ Hayton, Plymouth Community Drug Service. Hoechst AG, Germany. Debbie Preston. Andy Rose. Martin Shepard, Dorset County Hospital Drug Information Service. T Snewin, Pharmacist, Law Department, Royal Pharmaceutical Society. David Taylor, Clinical Director, Pharmacy Department, Maudsley Hospital. Andrea Ward, Senior Medical Information Officer, Hoechst Rousell Pharmaceuticals, UK. The Wellcome Trust Library. Simon Wills, Drug Information Service, Portsmouth Hospital.

Special thanks to: The peer reviewers (listed above) for all their suggestions and advice. John Witton and Annie Ryan at the ISDD library and information service for their work in finding dozens of articles and references, often at short notice. Christine Compton for proof reading and compiling the peer review draft. Janet Whitehouse for proof reading the final draft. Karin Woodruff for compiling the index. Tom Aldridge for his invaluable advice and help as Project Consultant.
And finally: Hello to Todd, Sam and Rachel.
