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Books - Cocaine the Legend

Drug Abuse


Out of the fifty patients treated on a walk in basis in the clinic, the majority are males between 24 and 34 years of age. Their place of origin is irrelevant since there were many factors which were not taken into account. Most of the work was conducted in La Paz and Cochabamba. They were mostly from low income classes and apparently their level of education does not influence their habits.

They are intensive cocaine sulfate (free base) smokers with an average of 25.42 months prior to their seeking treatment and an average treatment period of 27.46 months. Forty percent of patients had good acceptance of the coca leaves chewing technique as opposed to a 28% of poor acceptance.

From the patients present at the onset of the treatment, only one had good mental condition (2%) as opposed to a majority (54%) who were not in good mental condition. At the end of the treatment, these figures were reduced to 32% and increase the number of mentally sound patients to 36%.

The level of social acceptance, before the treatment, only reached 60% at most, and after the treatment, 26% improved their level of adaptation. Four patients reached an adaptation level of 100%. The average of the assessed level of social adaptation, on a scale , -from to 100 is that, prior to the treatment, only 28% was reasonably adapted while after the treatment 48.8% achieved social adaptation.

Since the treatment was dispensed on an ambulatory basis, it is not possibly to measure the level of relapses. Therefore, the assessment was conducted on the basis of the mental condition and level of adaptation, easily observed.

The correlation coefficient of minus 0.35 indicates a reversed proportion. If the previous time of consumption before the treatment was extremely prolonged, the level of social adaptation is less. 'A correlation, coefficient of 0.66 indicates a direct proportion. If the treatment priod is longer, the level of social adaptation is also high.

I am certain that if the treatment is administered in a controlled environment, with psychological advice, the degree of success would be higher.


1. HENMAN, Anthony, Mama Coca, Hisbol 1992, Bolivia, p.65

2. LABROUSSE, Alain. Delpirou, El Sendero de la Cocaina, ed Laila, Spain 1986.

3. KAUFTMAN, Federico, Arquelogia Peruana, Ed. Indio, Peru 1983, p. 11.

4. SOUX, Maria Luisa, Coca Liberal, CID Cocayapu, Bolivia 1993.

5. LABROUSSE, 1986.

6. FERNANDEZ, Nicanor, La Coca Boliviana, Ed. Americana 1932, p.11.

7. SOUX, 1993.

8. SPEEDING, Allison, Wachu Wachu, Ed. Hisbol, Bolivia 1994.

9. CARTER, William & MAMANI, Mauricio, Coca en Bolivia, Ed. Juventud, Bolivia 1986.

10. ZORRILLA, Javier, La Coca Andina, Ed. J.Boldo Clement III, Peru 1986.

11. SPEEDING, 1993.

12. CARTER & MAMANI 1986, p.126. 13. ZORRILLA, 1986, p.153.

14. SPEEDING, 1993, p.227.

15. DUKE, Aulik, Plowman, Nutritional Value of Coca, Botanical Museum Leaflets, Harvard University, Volume 24, #6, USA 1975.

16. BUCK, Sasaki, Hewitt, Coca Chewing and Health, American Journal of Epidemiology, USA 1968.

17. LITTER, Manuel, Tratado de Farmacologia, Ed. El Ateneo 1988.

18. Ibid, p.147

19. Ibid, p.147 20. Ibid.

21. FREUD, Sigmund, Complete Works, Ballesteros, p.148.

22. VAN DYKE, Byck, Cocaine, Scientific American, USA, March 1982.

23. Presencia (newspaper), May 22, 1983, La Paz, Bolivia.

24. HARVARD Botanical Museum Leaflets, Harvard University, Volume 24, #6, USA 1975.

25. BEVERAGE Industry (magazine), HBJ, USA, February 1987.

26. Presencia (newspaper), La Paz, Bolivia.

27. INE, Instituto Nacional de Estadistica. La Paz, Bolivia. 28. INE, Instituto Nacional de Estadistica, La Paz, Bolivia. 29. GUYTON, Arthur C., Medical Physiology, Ed. Interamencana, Mexico.