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How the Marijuana Re-Legalization Movement Has Been Betrayed by Soros, Nadleman (DPA) and Kampia (MPP)

Drug Abuse


How the Marijuana Re-Legalization Movement Has Been Betrayed by Soros,
Nadleman (DPA) and Kampia (MPP)

George Soros
Primary Financier of "bogus" Marijuana Reform     Ethan Nadleman
Drug Policy Alliance
(DPA)    Rob Kampia
Marijuana Policy Project

(1) Introduction

This may be the ultimate indictment of the "moneyed" drug reform movement in this
country and I urge you to distribute this article as widely as possible.

This is the 8th in a series of essays on the MERP Model for Re-Legalizing Marijuana
throughout the planet.  In this essay I am exposing the "smoking gun" evidence that
will show that the "Marijuana Policy Project" (MPP) is secretively plotting to put an
end to the personal cultivation of Marijuana which has been a perennial goal of all
Marijuana activists since the mid-1960's.  This betrayal, of both Cannabis activists and
the MERP Model, requires that MPP is cut off from any further activist funding.  You
will find links to all past and future essays, concerning "MERP" at the following link:

"MERP" Headquarters
The Marijuana Re-Legalization Policy Project (MRPP)

(2) Some Brief Background on the Re-Legalization Movement from the 1960's
through 2008

I have now been an expert on drug policy for over 20 years and was initiated into the
use of Marijuana, in 1967, at the tender age of 13.  That was just 3 years after Bob
Dylan introduced the Beatles to Marijuana in 1964.

1967 was also the year that the first major petition, demanding Marijuana Re-
Legalization, was placed in the London Times by Paul McCartney.  Here is a brief
description of the petition from Barry Miles "Beatles Diary:"

The "Pot" Ad
The Times ran a full page advertisement on July 24th, 1967, headed, "The law
against marijuana is immoral in principle and unworkable in practice" which was
signed by, among other, all four Beatles and Brian Epstein. The petition's arguments
included the following: that the smoking of cannabis on private premises should no
longer constitute an offence; cannabis should be taken off the dangerous drugs list
and controlled, rather than prohibited; possession of cannabis should either be
legally permitted or at most be considered a misdemeanor and that all person now
imprisoned for possession of cannabis or for allowing cannabis to be smoke on
private premises should have their sentences commuted.

It was signed by 65 eminent names including Francis Crick, the co-discoverer of the
DNA molecule and a Nobel laureate, novelist Graham Greene, and MPs Brian Walden
and Rom Drilberg, as well as future MP Jonathan Aitkin, but the four MBEs caused
the most press concern. Questions were asked in the House, and a chain of events
set off, which did actually result in the liberalization of the laws against pot in Britain.
the advertisement was paid for by the Beatles at Paul McCartney’s instigation.
The Beatles Diary: The Beatles years By Barry Miles

Four years later (1971) another Beatle, John Lennon, came to the assistance of
Michigan activist John Sinclair, who had been put in prison for 10 years for getting
arrested with a mere 2 Marijuana cigarettes.  Recently John Sinclair became the most
important luminary to join the roster of activists supporting the MERP Model for
Marijuana Re-Legalization.  And the list of supporters is growing by the day.

So for nearly 42 years we have now been fighting to end the prohibition of Marijuana
throughout this planet.  Am I the only one that is angered that we have not yet
achieved this goal?   Think about it.  It only took 13 years to realize that Alcohol
Prohibition was a mistake, despite it being a far more dangerous drug than
Marijuana.  Yet it has now been 71 years, that we have endured Marijuana
Prohibition, and despite 52% support nationwide (see Zogby Poll), our
representatives continue to ignore us.

Despite numerous feeble attempts it was not until 1996 -- 29 years later -- that the
first Medical Marijuana Initiative, Proposition 215, was passed in California.  George
Soros was a major contributor to Prop 215 but, according to activist Ron Kiczenski, he
was not able to have much input into the structure of this initiative which had no
limits to the number of plants that a patient could grow. Proposition 215 also held the
counties responsible for granting citizens access to "Medical Marijuana."

For the uninitiated here is what you should know about George Soros:

(1) He is the primary funding source for the Drug Policy Alliance (DPA) headed by
Ethan Nadleman and the Marijuana Policy Project (MPP) headed by Rob Kampia.

(2) He has been the primary source of funding for the remaining 12 Medical
Marijuana initiatives that have passed through 2008.

(3) He is a ruthless Globalist who supports gun control, open borders and is also a
primary funding source to dozens of drug reform organizations throughout the

(4) It is becoming clearer, by the day, that Soros is positioning himself to profit from
a highly "taxed and regulated" Marijuana industry that will not destroy the drug
cartels or stop the arrest of American Cannabis consumers.

You can learn quite a bit more about George Soros by accessing the references in
the 7th part of this series, "How Marijuana Re-Legalization Might Really Save the
Planet" Here is the accompanying video:

[videos at url at top]

So it is not a big surprise that Soros funded California Senate Bill 420 (SB 420), after
Prop 215 passed.  This was Soros's attempt to limit the number of plants that a
patient could grow.  Fortunately the Californian Appeals Court found SB420
unconstitutional because it did attempt to set limits.

Undeterred Soros became the primary funding source for the remaining 12 Medical
Marijuana Initiatives which culminated in the passage of the Michigan Initiative in
November 2008.  But the clever little Soros made sure that most of the remaining 12
initiatives were restricted to a 12 Plant limit for the Medical Patient or the Caregiver.

This concludes my brief summary of Soros activities through 2008.  It should also be
clear that Soros has shown absolutely no inclination to support initiatives that allow
personal cultivation for healthy Cannabis consumers.  In fact Ethan Nadleman would
not allow me access to Soros when I attempted to garner more funding for the
Michigan Personal Marijuana Initiative (PRA) in July 2001.  We had collected over
270,000 signatures and needed additional funding to bring in professional canvassers
to get the remaining 180,000 signatures.  But Nadleman and Soros "just said no" and
the initiative never made the ballot.

(3) How Obama, Soros, Rob Kampia and MPP Intend To Betray the Marijuana Re-
Legalization Movement in 2009

In a recent email from MPP they talk about the pending AZ Medical Marijuana

“What's unique about the Arizona law is that it would permit qualifying patients or
their caregivers to legally purchase marijuana from licensed dispensaries — so they
wouldn't need to obtain it from the criminal market”.

Once you understand what Kampia (MPP) is really hiding you will have every right to
get pissed off. You see, under this initiative (should it pass), you will NOT be able to
cultivate the common 12 Plant maximum unless you live more than 25 miles from a
licensed dispensary.

Here is what Rob Kampia and Soros did not want the Cannabis Activist Community to

"Qualifying patients who live more than 25 miles from the nearest dispensary will be
allowed to cultivate up to 12 marijuana plants for personal use."
Source: AZ Medical Marijuana Policy Project Files With Secretary Of State's Office by
Press Release

In other words, once there are enough dispensaries individual consumers will no
longer be able to cultivate their own Marijuana!

So the only thing “unique” about Rob Kampia’s (President of MPP) AZ initiative is that
it will basically prohibit personal cultivation as soon as Soros can set up his network of
"Medical Marijuana Dispensaries.". On that count alone I urge everyone in AZ to
reject this flawed initiative and stop supporting MPP or DPA.

I have not assembled all of the puzzle pieces here but certainly enough to make the
case that Soros, Kampia and Nadleman are not honest brokers of the drug policy
reform that most Americans would like to see.  untaxed, unregulated cultivation by all
American Citizens over the age of 18.

It is also becoming clear that the media is slowly attempting to "manufacture
consent" for a highly regulated "tax and regulate" model for Marijuana Re-
Legalization that will force American Citizens to pay exorbitant prices for Marijuana
(e.g., $300 to $500 and ounce) in order to feed the tax coffers of local, state and
federal government.  Why would we want to allow this when the MERP Model would
allow you to grow for free outside or for about $30 and ounce if grown indoors under

A fellow activist also made the astute observation that Obama is most probably also in
on this betrayal.  Just consider the following excerpt from a recent Christian Science
Monitor article on this subject:

"Several recent polls show stepped-up public support for legalization. This means not
only lifting restrictions on use ("decriminalization"), but also on supply – production
and sales. The Obama administration, meanwhile, says the US Drug Enforcement
Agency will no longer raid dispensaries of medical marijuana – which is illegal under
federal law – in states where it is legal."
Legalize marijuana? Not so fast.

This is how she put it after we discussed the flawed AZ initiative in some detail:

"This is why MPP wants to put the power and control of med pot distribution and
sales into dispensaries. and take it out of the hands of the patients. Do the
dispensaries now become the care giver/grower as well?  How many plants are they
allowed to grow?  Dispensaries will be popping up like convenience stores if that is
the case.  I see a whole new set of laws coming under corporate oversight and it's
DISPENSARY CONTROL. What a set up...Obama said he won't raid "DISPENSARIES"
in states where medical marijuana is legal...that is why they are taking the power
away from home growers/patients...These dispensaries will fall under federal
laws....and more than likely federal control and regulation.  Sneaky, sneaky."

This is exactly what I have been warning people about for years regarding the major
drug reform groups supported by George Soros. Marijuana Policy Project (MPP) and
Drug Policy Alliance (DPA) are two of the greatest beneficiaries of Soros funds. But
Soros funds dozens of groups throughout the United States and dozens more outside
of the United States .

As an activist in drug reform for over 20 years my goal has always been to change
the laws so that ALL American adults, not just the sick, would be able to consume
and cultivate their own Marijuana.  And under the MERP Model we will be able to do
this just like we are currently able to produce our own homemade beer and wine:
without any taxation, regulation or government interference. To that end I have
come up with the MERP Model and have produced a series of essays and videos to
explain how it would be implemented:

MERP Headquarters
The Marijuana Re-Legalization Policy Project (MRPP)

It is bad enough that Soros is moving to “cash in” on Medical Marijuana by
prohibiting personal cultivation. What is worse is that such initiatives will do nothing
to destroy the Drug Cartels, Terrorist Organizations and Gangs that profit from the
illicit sale of Marijuana. The only model that would assure this outcome is the MERP
Model, because it would essentially take all but the normal profit out of the Marijuana

For most goods the “normal profit” is usually about twice the cost of producing the
product. So in the case of Marijuana you can grow it for about 20 to 30 dollars per
ounce using the latest hydroponic techniques and High Intensity Discharge lamps. So
you would expect the “normal profit” to be somewhere between $40 to $60 dollars an
ounce. But the MPP Arizona initiative would do nothing to eliminate the “black
marketing” of Marijuana where an ounce will still sell from between $300 and $600
an ounce. In such a setting the Medical Dispensaries, Terrorists, Mexican Drug
Cartels etc. will continue to thrive at our expense.

(4) Summary

By looking retrospectively at the the activities of Soros it is clear that he is against any
form of personal cultivation and more than likely expects to profit handsomely from a
highly "taxed and regulated" system of drug reform.  It is also clear that Obama and
the Corporate Media are also on board to manufacture consent for such a stupid and
short sighted model.

But from the Hippies of the 60's, to the Activists of the New Millennium, we have
always wanted full rights to cultivate Mother Nature's plant without the
encumbrances of taxes, regulations or other excuses for the government to invade
our homes and properties.  As far as I'm concerned Soros, Kampia and Nadleman
can go "nadle" one another.  We have uncovered their deception and we will no
longer support their flawed plans to control both us and our plant.

I think it is time we stop supporting these Soros-supported organizations and unite to
achieve the only solution that will destroy the Cartels and serve the common good:
the MERP Model. It already enjoys the support of thousands of activists including
some of the most important luminaries of the movement: John Sinclair, Ron Kiczenski
and Bruce W. Cain (Editor of New Age Citizen).

So if you want to support true Marijuana Re-Legalization make your checks and
money orders out to “New Age Citizen” and send them to the following address:

New Age Citizen
PO Box 419
Dearborn Heights , MI 48127

Media outlets interested in interviewing the author of the MERP Model can send their
inquiries to the following email address:

Bruce W. Cain
This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

At the very least do not send another dime to any Soros-supported organization such
as MPP or DPA. Neither organization can any longer be seen as a “honest broker” of
Marijuana reform. It is time to drive a stake through the very heart of Marijuana
Prohibition by implementing the MERP Model immediately.

Coming Next: The Plan to Implement MERP as Early as 2009

Related Media:

Email from MPP (05/22/2009)

Dear Bruce Cain:

Yesterday, MPP's campaign committee, the Arizona Medical Marijuana Policy Project
(AMMPP), launched a signature drive to place a medical marijuana initiative on the
ballot in Arizona .

The initiative would allow seriously ill patients who find relief from marijuana to use it
with their doctors' approval, much like the laws in the other 13 medical marijuana
states do. What's unique about the Arizona law is that it would permit qualifying
patients or their caregivers to legally purchase marijuana from licensed dispensaries
— so they wouldn't need to obtain it from the criminal market.

The importance of this can't be overstated. Although medical marijuana collectives
exist in other states, state laws permitting them are a hodgepodge, leaving them
largely unregulated and subject to legal challenges. In Arizona , our initiative would
provide clear guidelines for state-regulated dispensaries, thus ensuring safe access
for patients — meaning that Arizona would have the best medical marijuana law in
the country.

But to get the initiative on the ballot, our campaign committee must collect 153,365
valid signatures from Arizona voters, which means about 250,000 gross signatures.
We know from our past successful signature drives, like in Michigan, that it costs
about $2 to collect every signature (because of the costs of paying canvassers,
checking validity, and so forth), which means it will take $500,000 to fund this stage
of the campaign.


AZ Medical Marijuana Policy Project Files With Secretary Of State's Office
by Press Release

PHOENIX (May 14, 2009) -- Today, the Arizona Medical Marijuana Policy Project
(AMMPP) filed language with the Secretary of State's office with the intent to place
the issue of medical marijuana on the November 2010 ballot. AMMPP's initiative would
make the possession of a limited quantity of marijuana and its use legal under
Arizona law for certain severely ill patients with a doctor's recommendation.

"This is a common-sense law that allows severely ill patients access to medication that
they need, while providing strict controls to make sure this medicine is only available
to qualified patients," said Andrew Myers, campaign manager for the initiative.
"Thousands of patients across Arizona are already using medical marijuana with their
doctor's recommendation. These patients shouldn't have to risk arrest and jail just for
following their doctor's advice."

Marijuana has been shown to safely and effectively relieve nausea and vomiting
caused by cancer chemotherapy and treatments for HIV/AIDS

and other illnesses, and to relieve the nerve pain that afflicts millions suffering from
multiple sclerosis, HIV/AIDS and other illnesses.

The prospective law calls for using state-regulated dispensaries to distribute
marijuana to qualifying patients, a model that will guarantee access for qualifying
patients while providing a strict enforcement mechanism to assure the drug is not
distributed illegally. Qualifying patients who live more than 25 miles from the nearest
dispensary will be allowed to cultivate up to 12 marijuana plants for personal use.


MPP's 2009 Strategic Plan

Kampia (MPP) "Tax and Regulate Marijuana"

Ethan Nadleman says "Tax and Regulate" on the Colbert Report
But Colbert says "why tax and regulate" and of course he could not be more correct:

Nadleman: "The best way to deal with this is to "tax and regulate Marijuana. Take it
out of the criminal justice system."

Colbert: "Tax and Regulate? That is just liberals all over. Tax and Toke Liberals.  I
can't believe this is all about taxes for you now. You used to be all about the weed.
You have sold out. We don't need Americans burgeoning dope industry burdened
with regulation. The free market should determine what constitutes "primo" bud."

The Colbert Report    Mon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c
Ethan Nadelmann
Colbert Report Full Episodes    Political Humor    First 100 Days

Majority Of Americans Want Pot Legalized: Zogby Poll
[Click here for more articles on Zogy Pot Poll]

A majority of Americans, in a poll released Wednesday, say it "makes sense to tax
and regulate" marijuana. The Zogby poll, commissioned by the conservative-leaning
O'Leary Report, surveyed 3,937 voters and found 52 percent in favor of legalization.
Only 37 percent opposed.

A previous ABC News/Washington Post poll found 46 percent in support. In California,
a Field Poll found 56 percent backing legalization.

Responding to the poll at a press conference Tuesday, California Gov. Arnold
Schwarzenegger called for an open debate on legalization.

Voters were asked: "Scarce law enforcement and prison resources, a desire to
neutralize drug cartels and the need for new sources of revenue have resurrected
the topic of legalizing marijuana. Proponents say it makes sense to tax and regulate
the drug while opponents say that legalization would lead marijuana users to use
other illegal drugs. Would you favor or oppose the government's effort to legalize

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Last Updated (Wednesday, 05 January 2011 19:55)


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