The Associates
Books - Students and Drugs |
Drug Abuse
Jean Aron, B.A.; deceased, formerly research associate, Community Mental Health Services, San Jose, California, executive secretary, Santa Clara County Council on Drug Abuse
Mary Lou Funkhouser Balbaky, M.A.; graduate student in anthropology, Brandeis University
Diane Bausek, B.A.; research assistant, Institute for the Study of Human Problems, Stanford University
Philip E. Beal, Ph.D.; dean of men, Pacific Lutheran University, Ta coma, Washington
Eva M. Blum, Ph.D.; co-director, Psychopharmacology Project; Institute for the Study of Human Problems, Stanford University
Richard H. Blum, Ph.D.; director, Psychopharmacology Project, Institute for the Study of Human Problems, Stanford University
Roland Bonato, Ph.D.; chief, Biometrics Laboratory, George Washington University
Robert Bowlin, Ph.D.; dean of men, University of Oregon
Lauraine Braunstein, M.A.; research assistant, Institute for the Study of Human Problems, Stanford University
Jack H. Curtis, Ph.D.; professor of sociology; director, Urban Life Institute, University of San Francisco
Robert A. Ellis, Ph.D.; professor of sociology, University of Oregon
Sanford Feinglass, Ph.D.; program coordinator, NEA-NIMH Drug Education Project, San Francisco
Bruce Ferguson, M.A.; student, Stanford University Medical School
Joel Fort, M.D.; lecturer, School of Social Welfare, University of California, Berkeley; co-director, National Sex and Drug Forum, San Francisco
Mervin B. Freedman, Ph.D.; professor of psychology, San Francisco State College
Emily Garfield, B.S.; research assistant, Institute for the Study of Human Problems, Stanford University
Thirza Hibner, B.S.; staff assistant, Institute for the Study of Human Problems, Stanford University
Kristine Hooper, undergraduate assistant, Institute for the Study of Human Problems, Stanford University
Peggy Joseph, B.A.; research assistant, Institute for the Study of Human Problems, Stanford University
Richard Joyce, Ph.D.; professor of pharmacology, London Hospital Medical College, London
Helen H. Nowlis, Ph.D., reasearch consultant on student affairs, Office of the Provost, and professor of psychology, University of Rochester
Frances Orr-Nitzberg, Ph.D.; consulting psychologist, Institute for the Study of Human Problems, Stanford University
James Paulsen, M.D.; chief psychiatrist, Student Health Clinic, Stanford University
Charles E. Richardson, Jr.; computer programmer, Stanford University
A. Rinker, B.A.; graduate student in psychology, San Francisco State College
Alma Stone, M.S.; psychiatric social worker in private practice, Palo Alto, California
Richard Switalski, M.A.; staff member, Biometrics Laboratory, George Washington University
Thomas Tutko, Ph.D.; professor of psychology, San Jose State College
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