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Reports - National Report Turkey 2006

Drug Abuse


6.1. Drug-related Deaths and Mortality of Drug Users

In Turkey, data on drug-related deaths were reached only by means of police resources in 2005. All cases of death suspected to be drug-related are reported to narcotics police. Units of Nar-cotic police having an extensive organization throughout Turkey forward the cases of drug-related deaths occurring in their region to the centre. General Command of Gendarmerie has also a simi-lar structure. However, no drug-related deaths were reported from the sphere of responsibility of the General Command of the Gendarmerie in 2005. Initiatives of infrastructure have been taken in other relevant authorities so as to collect the necessary data.

Decreasing until 2004, the number of drug-related deaths was 12 in the year 2000; it was eight in 2001, nine in 2002 and six in 2003. In 2004; however, there was an increase in the number of de-aths and it rapidly increased to 29. Although no scientific reason and result about this increase co-uld be provided, the drug users stated that high concentration heroin was introduced to the market in the mentioned year.

In 2005, it was found out that 26 people died of drug-related causes. When it is analyzed in terms of gender, it was found out that 25 of them were men and one of them was a woman.

When the drug-related deaths are examined in terms of age groups according to gender,

Among the men who died of drug-related causes, the highest rate is in 25-29 and 30-34 age groups with seven people, it is followed by with four people in 40-44 age group, with three people in 35-39 and 45-49 age groups, and then with one person in 55-59 age group. One person who di-ed of drug-related causes was in 20-24 age group.

6.2. Drug-related Infectious Diseases

In accordance with the data obtained from the Ministry of Health, Directorate General of Pri-mary Health in 2005, the country profile of HIV, HBV, HCV rates among intravenous drug users is as follows:

It was stated that eight people among intravenous drug users have been infected by HIV vi-rus. When analyzed in terms of gender, it was realized that among the intravenous drug users ha-ving HIV virus, seven were men and one was a woman.

When we analyze the intravenous drug users having HIV virus according to age groups,

It was found out that four people were under the age of 25, three people were in 25-34 age group and one person was older than 34.

It was reported that there are 1287 Hepatitis C and 5893 Hepatitis B cases in Turkey. Howe-ver, how many of those infected by Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C are also intravenous drug users is unknown.

6.2.1. HIV/AIDS

HIV/AIDS was first diagnosed in 1985 in Turkey. In Turkey since 1987 all blood and blood pro-ducts have been screened by ELISA according to law and ELISA is widely available throughout health systems. Confirmation is carried out in 9 confirmation centers of Ministry of Health in three big cities as Ankara, Istanbul and Izmir.

The number of HIV infected people and AIDS patients has been notified and published in the official reports of the Ministry of Health in Turkey since 1985. By December 31th 2005, 2254 HIV (+) and AIDS cases people have been reported.

Mode of transmission of 2254 cases in Turkey are; 52% heterosexuals, 7.9`)/0 homosexuals, 6% were the intravenous drug users, 2% blood transfusions, 1.7% were from mother to child trans-mission and 30.0% were unknown.


Hepatitis B is a common disease in Turkey. It is estimated that HbS Ag (Hepatit B yüzey an-tijeni) positivity is about 4(3/0 in the community. The population of Turkey is 70 million, 70 million x 4c70 = 2 800 000 person. 15°/0 chronic hepatitis. In 40% of these cases, the acquisition of infection is not known. The other ways of transmission, in decreasing order, are sexual intercourse, close contact, parenteral and IDU (Intraveneus Drug Use). IDU is estimated to be less than V/0.

Hepatitis B positivity is about 7-8 % among IDUs.


Hepatitis C positivity is about 0.8-1% in general population. The population of Turkey is 70 mil-lion, 70 million x 1% = 700 000 person. 70`)/0 chronic hepatitis. In 50% of these cases, the acquisiti-on of infection is unknown. The main ways of hepatitis C transmission are parenteral and blood, blo-od products transfusion. IDU is estimated to be 10%.

Hepatitis C positivity is about 50% among IDU.

6.2.4. Tuberculosis

Tuberculosis is not a sexually transmitted disease but related to IDU. In Turkey this disease used to be very common in the past, but with special prevention programs in 1960s the incidence is reduced from 150/100 000 to 40/100 000. The incidence of this diseases is 26/100 000 in 2001 and 2002. There is no data in our country about IDU and Tuberculosis.

6.3. Other Drug-Related Health Problems

No drug influence test is available for the drivers regarding traffic accidents. Alcohol test is widely used.