8. Social correlates and consequences
Reports - Annual Report Bulgaria |
Drug Abuse
8. Social correlates and consequences
Within the frames of this section the following topics will be reviewed:
Social exclusion;
Drug-related crime;
Drug use in prisons.
When reviewing the topic of social exclusion in the context of the report attention was focused on the assessment of the number of homeless people, the number of the unemployed people, including those demanding treatment because of drug use, as well as on the data of the student dropouts.
The topic of drugs related crime includes a review of the data from the police, the data from the Procurator's Office related to the Action Plan to reduce the demand and supply of drugs and the data concerning antisocial deeds and crimes committed by minors and under aged people.
Presenting the topic of drug use in prisons is based on the routine information received directly from the prison administrations and on the purposeful research among inmates in Bulgaria.
Social exclusion
Homeless people
Among the general population
Currently there is no reliable statistics on the number of the homeless people in the country, including the children living in the street. The information on their number is imprecise and incomplete, because of the variations in the members of this risky group and the inadequate reliability of the sources.
On the data of the Regional Directorates of the Ministry of the Interior for 2002, the number of children in connection with their families but spending most of the time in the street, was 551 children, and the number of those who were away from their families or had no families at all, i.e. they lived permanently in street, was 35. For the year 2002 the number of children who had passed through asylums and day centers for children from the streets was 3 394 children (on the data of the National Informational Center on the problems of the ways and strays of the Free and Democratic Bulgaria Foundation). 65
The data from the NGOs working with children in the street point to several hundred children, whose number is growing in summer and mostly during the holidays, *hen the children institutionalized are sent to their families. ,
On the one hand the main problems of the homeless children are related to the immediate risks of the street - violence, malnutrition, diseases, and on the other hand there is the problem of their education and qualification - most of them do not attend school regularly, which limits their options for progress. They have difficulties in accessing medical service and are often engaged in hard physical labour. 66
Among the drug users
In 2007 the National Focal Point on Drugs and Drug Addictions and the "Initiative for Health" Foundation in partnership with a network of NGOs 67 carried out a research on the treatment demand in relation to drug use and on the obstacles to access such treatment among the problem drug users in Bulgaria. Apart from the information directly related to the research topic data was received on the main social and demographic characteristics of the target group, including their status of residence. These data are not representative from statistical point of view, but they can serve as a basis for orientation mainly because of the random choice of the people included in the sample and its not ignorable size for such type of study 68. The social profile of the respondents showed that 19 of them (or 2.1 °A) were homeless (had not a home for permanent residence). In two of the big cities (Sofia and Varna) the respective number of the homeless people in the samples was undoubtedly the largest (respectively around 37 % and around 42 %). Besides some specific ways of life in the groups of the population studied, this was probably due to the greater number of homeless people among the general population in the big cities.,
Unemployed people
Among the general population
For a sixth year in succession the trend still holds of decreasing the number of registered unemployed people, registered at the Labour Services in the country. In 2006 their average annual number dropped to its lowest value since 1991— 356 054 people. The reduction in comparison to the previous year was by 68 327 unemployed people or 16.1 %.
The level of unemployment (unemployed people per 100 economically active persons) reached in the second half of 2006 the lowest level since the middle of 1991. In October the lowest level for the year was registered - 8.38 °/0, and for the last three months (October, November and December) the lowest level of unemployment was registered for these months since 1990. The annual level of unemployment for 2006 was 9.61 %. In comparison to the previous year there is a decrease of 1.85 points (See Figure 8-1). For the period 2000 — 2006 the level of unemployment in the country dropped by 8.53 points.
For the specific territories the level of unemployment is also dropping, but with different rate and there is still a great difference among the specific regions. The level of unemployment is decreasing in all the territories, but the fact that it is decreasing most obviously in the territories where the level of unemployment was highest should be noted as especially positive. These are the regions of Targovishte, Montana and Vidin, where unemployment decreased by 4.11 points, 4.09 points and 3.18 points respectively. In the regions of Sliven and Jambol the decrease is also significantly greater than the average for the country (1.85 points), respectively by 3.76 points and 3.31 points.
The regions where the level of unemployment is lower than the average for the country are 9. In the remaining 19 regions the level of unemployment is higher than the average, and in the regions of Kyustendil and Sofia it is quite similar to the average for the country. The trend of the previous years still holds of keeping the lowest level of unemployment in the regions of Sofia-town, Gabrovo, Bourgas, Varna and Blagoevgrad and the highest level of unemployment is still registered in the regions of Targovishte, Montana, Vidin, Razgrad, and Shumen. In 4 regions unemployment is not only lower than the average for the country, but it is also lower than the average level of unemployment for 2006 for the European Union (EC-27). These are the regions of: Sofia-town (2.40 %), Bourgas (5.21 °A), Gabrovo (5.34 %) and Varna (6.85 °/0). The positive trend of narrowing the variation range between the minimal and the maximal level of unemployment in the country, respectively for Sofia-town and Turgovishte, still holds. The value of this indicator has dropped by 3.44 points compared to 2005 and it reached 18.31 points.
The average annual level of unemployment in the Eurozone and in the Europea9 Union (EU-27) for 2006 on the data of Eurostat was respectively 7.8 % and 7.9 %. These data decreased by 0.8 points each in comparison to 2005. According to Eurostat (on the data provided by the National Institute of Statistics from the observation of the work force which are comparable to the data of the member-countries of the European Union) the average level of unemployment for 2006 in Bulgaria was 8.9 %, i.e. 1.0 -1.1 points higher than the unemployment in the European Union. The lowest level of unemployment in the member-countries of the European Union was found again in: Denmark - 3.8 %, the Netherlands - 3.9 %, Ireland - 4.4 %, Austria and Luxemburg - 4.8 % each, Cyprus - 4.9 °/0. The level of unemployment is still the highest in Poland - 14.0 % and in Slovakia - 13.3 %. In Greece and in France the level of unemployment is the same as in Bulgaria - 9.0 %.
Among the drug users
On the data of the National System for monitoring drug related treatment demand 69 of all those who began treatment because of drug use in Bulgaria for 2006 were unemployed (in the preceding year - 42,4 %). The gender differences according to this indicator were smaller than in the preceding year - in 2006 43,9 % of the unemployed were men and 41,5 °A of the unemployed were women, while in 2005 the ratio of men to women was 43,7 % : 36,6 %. In 2006 25,9 % of those who started treatment for the first time in their life were unemployed (in the previous year - 42,3 %). The unemployed among men are still more than among women - 28,2 °A vs 14,3 % (in 2005 - respectively 45,5 % vs 27,5 %).
In 2006 in Bulgaria 48,6 % of the inpatients who started treatment because of drug use were unemployed (48,2 % of the men and 50,7 % of the women). Alongside 31.1 `)/0 of those who had initiated treatment for the first time in their life were unemployed (31.8 % of the men and 26.9 % of the women).
In 2006 in Bulgaria 41,2 % of the outpatients who started treatment because of drug use were unemployed of (41.8 % of the men and 38.8 % of the women). 18.3 % of those who had initiated treatment for the first time in their life were unemployed. 70
On the data of the research done by the National Focal Point on Drugs and Drug Addictions and by the "Initiative for Health" Foundation about the drug - related treatment demand and about the obstacles for the problem drug users in Bulgaria to access such treatment, among 893 persons from 8 towns the registered unemployed people numbered 51 (or 5.7 %), and the unemployed who were not registered numbered 515 (57.2 °A)). This means that nearly 63 % of the drug users who were in the cross section had no regular job. This is a high rate, all the more so if it is compared to the mean annual level of unemployment in 2006 which was 9.61 % 71 .
School dropouts
On the data of the Regional Inspectorates of Education a total of 19 639 students dropped out from school in the year 2006/2007 and of them 1 000 children were first - year pupils. In 2004/2005 19 193 students dropped out from school out of a total of 963 051students, enrolled at the beginning of the school year. In 2003/2004 31 552 students dropped out from school. In 2002/2003 the drop outs numbered 31 002 students.
When analyzing the reasons for dropping out from school in the already existing literature sources and research already done it is stated that the reasons are grouped in several basic categories: economic, ethnic and cultural, social and pedagogic. The main factors, which according to the empirical data have the greatest impact on school dropping out are as follows:
1. The economic status of the child's family, which is presented by different indicators summarized in a complex factor, which is of great importance for dropping out from school.
2. The ethnicity, which is the reason for observing definite cultural stereotypes which are of greatest importance when the family lives among a compact group of representatives of its own ethnos. The ethnicity influences dropping out from school through economic reasons (low income, low living standard, bed conditions of life, unemployment) as well as through the so called family reasons (early marriages, single-parent families, etc.).
3. The school milieu and the related to it pedagogic factors. On the one hand these are motives related to difficulties which the child faces at school; on the other hand — the value of education, the interest to the educational process and the desire/or lack of it ensuing from this to go to school; thirdly — the conflict relationships with class-mates and/or teachers and finally — the quality and the methods of teaching, and to what extent the topics of education meet the expectations of the child and his/her family.
It is important to note that these motives predominate among the Turkish community, and their influence among the Bulgarian children and the children of Roma origin is similar. There are some objective elements of the school environment which have an effect on the dropping out from school and on the number of years the child has spent at school — whether there has been preschool pr6paration done and how effective it has been, the quality and complexity of the school syllabus, the qualification of the teachers, studying in mixed and incomplete classes, etc. 72
According to the national representative research including the children who used to go to school but then dropped out which was carried out in 2006 by the Vitosha Research Agency under a joint project of the Ministry of Education and Science and UNICEF - Bulgaria, studying the reasons for the children's dropping out from school, 80 % of them do this in the period from the V to the VIII grade. Moreover, between 70 % and 80 % of the drop outs are of Roma origin and are of low social status. Their level of literacy is very low.
The research shows that a great number of the parents of the drop outs want their sons and daughters to have at least secondary education, especially if this will help them acquire some profession, but in 72% of the cases they have not done anything to prevent their children's dropping out.
The results of the project also showed that for the young people education ranks third in value and family and love come before it. They, however, are of the opinion, that the main problems at school are aggression, poor discipline and alcohol drinking of the part of the youths. 73
Drug related crime
Crimes (arrests/reports on trafficking /production/ cultivation, etc.)
Data from the police
On the data of the police in 2006 at the "Drugs" Department there were 1 064 signals received. The most numerous were the signals at the Metropolitan Police Directorate (MPD) — 506, followed by the Regional Directorates of the Ministry of the Interior (RDMI) in Plovdiv (86), Varna (64) and Haskovo (59). The fewest signals were received at the Regional Directorates in Smolyan (1) and in Jambol (2). (see Table 8-1)
253 operative lawsuits have been instituted. The most numerous were in RDMI Plovdiv (75) and at the MPD (59). Operative lawsuits have not been instituted at the Regional Directorates in Gabrovo, Montana and Shumen, neither at the Department of the Transport Police.
The persons detained in relation to drugs number 2 734. 57 % of them or 1 559 were detained by the MPD. Next according to the number of the detained persons come RDMI in Varna (219) and the RDMI in Plovdiv (209). The fewest detained were from the RDMI in Shumen (1) and the RDMI in Yambol (2).
In 2006 the number of the open drug scenes and clubs checked was 5 405. The most numerous f these checked were by the RDMI in Silistra (987), MPD (595) and the RDMI in Dobrich (456). The fewest were by the RDMI in Gabrovo (16), RDMI in Shumen (27) and RDMI in Lovech (29). •
The number of the school regions checked was 3 450. The most numerous school regions were checked by the RDMI in Silistra (619), the MPD (331) and the RDMI in Pernik (290). The fewest school regions were checked by the RDMI in Lovech, (24), RDMI in Gabrovo (25) and the RDMI in Yambol (25).
215 new open drug scenes and meeting points for drug sale were discovered. The most numerous of them were discovered by the MPD (66), RDMI in Plovdiv (31) and in Bourgas (19). No such scenes or points were discovered by the regional directorates in the towns of Vratsa, Gabrovo, Pleven, Targovishte and Shumen.
On the data of the National Police Department in 2006 the total number of persons registered in the "Drugs" section (users and dealers) was 4 792 (See Figure 8-2).
The number of drug dealers is 1 000 or 21 `Yo of the total number of the persons registered (users and dealers). 509 (or 51 %) are minors and under aged. 425 (43 %) deal with cannabis, 342 (34 %) deal with heroin, 39 deal with cocaine (4 °A) and 194 deal with synthetic drugs — ecstasy, amphetamines, barbiturates (19 °/0) (See Figure 8-3).
The number of persons simultaneously using and dealing with drugs in 2006 was 909, which is 19 % of the total number of the persons registered for drugs (users and dealers). Of them 443 or 49 % were minors and under aged. The persons registered for cannabis (both users and dealers) were 463 (50.9 %); for heroin —294 (32.3 %), for cocaine — 13 (1.4 %) and for synthetic drugs — 139 (15.3 %).
On the data from the police in 2006 there were a total of 2 384 claim files for instituting preliminary proceedings for drug users and/or dealers. This number has diminished by 2,5 % in comparison to 2005 (2 445). Most of the claim files in 2006 were submitted by the MPD — 1281, next by the Regional Directorates in Plovdiv (190), Varna (189) and Bourgas (108). The above shown decrease of the number of the claim files over the year was mostly due to the decrease in the number of people not only dealing with but also using drugs — from 1 959 in 2005 to 1 881 in 2006. At the same time the number of dealers for whom a claim file has been prepared has slightly increased - from 486 in 2005 to 503 in 2006. The ratio "users and dealers / dealers only" has diminished, but it still remains within the limits of 4:1. 74
On the data of the Chief Directorate "Combating Organized Crime" in 2006 the persons detained for drug related offence numbered 271. In 2005 they were 318, i.e. there was a decrease of 15 %. In 2006 the persons arrested for cannabis related offence numbered 106 (39.1 %), for heroin - 87 (32.1 %), for cocaine - 15 (5.5 %), for amphetamines - 51(18.8 %), for ecstasy - 4 (1.5 %) and for other substances - 8 (3.0 °/0). All the persons arrested for trafficking drugs numbered 62, for dealing -205, and for production - 4. (see Annex: Standard Table 11)
The data from the national representative research carried out in 2006 among university students in Bulgaria show that 14 % of the 3220 students who participated in the polls from 7 Bulgarian towns (Blagoevgrad, Varna, Veliko Turnovo, Plovdiv, Rousse, Sofia and Svishtov) have at least once driven a vehicle after drinking alcohol. This refers mostly to the students from Plovdiv -23.2 % and least - the students from Svishtov - 10.4 %.
It is important to note that 4.5 `)/0 of the students inquired have driven a vehicle at least once after having used drugs. This refers mostly for the students in Plovdiv - 13.1 % and least - for the students from Blagoevgrad - 1.5 %.
Measures of the Prosecutor's Office to implement the Action Plan concerning the reduction of drug demand and supply
The problem of drugs is a constant priority in the work of the Prosecutor's Office in the Republic of Bulgaria - on the one hand because of implementing the contracts of the country according to the home and foreign policy pursued, and on the other hand - because of the fact that combating the illegal traffic of narcotic substances and precursors is an integral part of combating organized crime and a means to limit the funding of the international terrorist organizations. It is a well known fact that in the sphere of drug trafficking the organized crime combines,with the international organized crime and turns into cross border crime.
I. Preliminary proceedings for crime related to narcotic substances, precursors and plants containing narcotic substances. Art. 354a, art. 254b and art.354c from the Penal Code
1. Under Art. 354a, Para.1 the total number over the first 6 months of 2007 of the proceedings under the procurators' monitoring, for which the procurators have executed their functions of guiding and supervision, numbered 637. 240 of the proceedings were newly instituted. There was a close of pleadings in 360 cases, and the procurator's indictments introduced in court numbered 156, 88 of them were bills of indictment against 173 persons. 250 persons had a sentence enforced. 64 persons were acquitted, and for 29 persons there was an acquittal with an effective date set.
2. Under Art. 354a, Para.1 (production and processing) the number of proceedings under procurators' monitoring was 15, and the newly instituted numbered 5. 6 bills of indictment were introduced against 10 persons. 4 persons have been sentenced. 4 persons had sentences enforced. There were no acquittals.
3. Under Art. 354a, Para.1 (acquisition, keeping, including storing) all the proceedings that were monitored numbered 451, and from them the newly instituted were 137. The bills of indictment introduced numbered 40 against 104 persons. The number of persons sentenced was 180. 201 persons had sentences enforced. 59 persons have been acquitted, 28 persons had acquittal with an effective date set.
4. Under Art. 354a, Para.1 (drug dealing) all the proceedings that were monitored numbered 171, of them the newly instituted were 97. 42 bills of indictment were introduced against 59 persons. 53 persons were sentenced over the period and there are 44 persons with sentences enforced. 5 persons have been acquitted, and 1 person has an acquittal with an effective date set.
5. Under Art. 354a, Para. 2 from the Code of Criminal Law (large quantities, incl. large quantities, State Gazette issue 75/2006 acquiring and keeping in public place with the aim of dealing with drugs and their analogues, especially large quantities, as well as on the order or as an execution of an order of an organized criminal group) all the preliminary proceedings monitored numbered 84, and 27 of them were newly instituted. The bills of indictment introduced numbered 43 against 65 persons. The persons sentenced were 56, and 60 persons had a sentence enforced. 6 persons were acquitted, and 4 persons had an acquittal with an effective date set.
6. Under Art. 354a, Para. 3 from the Code of Criminal Law (acquisition and keeping narcotic substances and their analogues, incl. a minor case) the proceedings monitored numbered 1 448, of them 1 030 were newly instituted. 425 bills of indictment were introduced against 636 persons. Over the period 313 persons were sentenced. 238 persons had a sentence enforced, 11 persons were acquitted and 3 of them had an acquittal with an effective date set.
7. Under Art. 354b from the Code of Criminal Law (persuading or helping to use) the proceeding monitored were 7, and 5 of them were newly instituted. 1 bill of indictment has been introduced against 1 person. 1 person has been sentenced. 1 person had a sentence enforced.
8. Under Art. 354 from the Code of Criminal Law (sowing or growing plants) the proceedings monitored were 51, and 30 of them were newly instituted. 10 bills of indictment have been introduced against 14 persons. 14 persons have been sentenced, and 7 persons had a sentence enforced. 3 persons have been acquitted but there were no acquittals with an effective date set.
II. Crimes against the customs regime — Art. 242, Para. 2, Art. 242, Para. 3, Art. 242, Para. 4 and Art. 242, Para. 9 from the Code of Criminal Law — smuggling drugs and their analogues across the country's border, smuggling across the border of the country of precursors and facilities and materials for production, smuggling of especially large quantities and especially heavy offence, or with the participation of a custom's officer.
The proceedings monitored numbered a total of 94, and 37 of them have been newly instituted. 15 bills of indictment have been introduced against 37 persons. Over the first 6 months of 2007 the persons sentenced numbered 27, and 14 persons had a sentence enforced. 1 person has been acquitted. 1 person had an acquittal with an effective date set.
III. Di'ugs seized as proof and disposition with them over the period 1s' January 2007 —309' June 2007
For a total of 1 883 preliminary proceedings drugs, precursors and plants have been seized as a proof. The narcotic substances seized were as follows: heroin - 815 kg, cocaine - 2 kg, marijuana - 2 133 kg, and other narcotic substances - 73 kg.
The precursors seized were 502 kg and plants seized - 264 kg. The total quantity used for expertise was 15 kg. The total quantity delivered for storing at the Customs Agency for destruction was 1 559 kg. 75
Antisocial deeds and crimes committed by minors and under aged
15 969 minors and under aged were registered at the Children's Pedagogic Services (CPS) in the country in 2006 (in 2005 they numbered 17 390 or 8.2 % less). The number of minors and under aged, who were registered in 2006 was 4 830, or 9.7 % less in comparison to the previous year. The girls registered numbered 2 697, which is 11.1 % less in comparison to 2005. The persons aged 14- 17 years numbered 12 632 (79.1 °A, of the total number of the minors and under aged registered), and in comparison to 2005 there was a decrease of 6.3 °/0. The number of the persons registered aged 8- 13 was 3 337 (3 913 for 2005 or 14.7 % less).
In 2006 the number of truants increased by 25.4 °A (from 1 888 in 2005 to 2 367 in 2006). Alongside there was a decrease in the number of the minors and under aged referred to the Children's Pedagogic Services for prostitution or homosexuality by 20.2 % (from 501 in 2005 to 400 children in 2006), for drug use by 19.0 % (from of 584 children in 2005 to 473 children in 2006) and for alcohol drinking by 18.7 `)/0 (from 802 children in 2005 to 652 children in 2006). (see Table 8-2)
There cannot be deduced a stable trend over time in relation to drugs relate'd crimes committed by minors or under aged. The number of persons having committed drug related crimes has decreased by 33.5% (from 379 in 2005 to 252 in 2006). The minors who have committed such type of crimes number 16, or 6.3% (5.3 % in 2005). 76
Drug use in prisons
On the data of the Chief Directorate „Penalties Enforcement" at the Ministry of Justice in 2006 at prisons and at prison hostels there were 2 013 persons imprisoned who were addicted to drugs 77 (see Table 8-3). It means that every fifth prisoner had this problem, which additionally complicated his/her treatment under the conditions of penitentiary as well as the work of the staff.
In 2006 there was a doubling of the number of drug addicted persons in places of detention in comparison to 2005. The supply with drugs among the prisoners is done very quickly and is a natural consequence of the increased drug use among the criminals.
There are compact groups of drug addicts at the prisons in Sofia, Plovdiv, Varna, Bourgas, Pazardjik and at the prison hostels of closed type in Kremikovtsi and Troyan.
There is definite drug dealing among the persons in detention in the open type hostels. These persons work at outside sites without guard, they have various contacts with the citizens and they can supply themselves with drugs. The manifestation of such a tendency necessitates the application of crude measures of control in respect to this category of persons in detention, intensifying the control, the surveillance and the unexpected testing of the persons detained, as well as imposing corrective and preventive measures for them.
There are 3 ways to supply the prisons with drugs. The first way is the smuggling of drugs by outer visitors in parcels, the second one is simply passing the doses over the fence and the third is supplying the drugs by transport vehicles.
The trade going on among the persons detained, as well as the contribution services among them are a way to supply drugs, which is a part of the prisoners' subculture.
The heroin addicted persons, despite their isolation and the corrective and therapeutic measures applied to them, after they have initially cut down on drugs, are prone to return consequently to drug use again.
For 2006 the prisoners awaiting trial numbered 819 addicted persons in detention. Of them the men numbered 771 and the women numbered 48. Over 50 % of the persons in detention were over 25 years of age. The number of the addicted persons who are detained while awaiting trial is also increasing. This circumstance complicates the work with them, especially in view of the fact that the addicted persons are brought to the police departments in a state of abstinence.
For these reasons there is a short term program planned for work with the addicted persons detained while awaiting trial. There are more consulting, educational and information courses conducted with the persons in detention.78
65 Source: National Strategy on the Child 2004-2006 accessible,at:
66 Source: the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy, Strategy for the Development of Services for Children and Families in Sofia for the Period 2003-2005, accessible at:
67 The Bulgarian Red Cross - Rousse, Panacea Foundation in Plovdiv, the Iga Regional Fund in Pazardjik, the Bulgarian Red Cross in Kyustendil, the "For Better Psychic Health" Foundation in Varna, the "A Dose of Love" Foundation in Bourgas, the "Alternatives" Association in Blagoevgrad
68 893 problem drug users from 8 towns studied - Sofia, Rousse, Plovdiv, Pazardzik, Kyustendil, Varna, Bourgas and Blagoevgrad
69 For more details on the monitoring system see Chapter 4 of the present report
70 Source: National Focal point on Drugs and Drug Addictions, Monitoring System for Drug Related Treatment Demand.
71 For more details see above M the same Chapter.
72 Source: National Strategy for the Child 2007-2017
73 Source:
74 Reports on the work of the National Police Department for "DRUGS" for the whole country for the period 1 January 2006- 25°' December 2006 and for the period January 2005- 31'' December 2005
75 Source. Supreme Prosecutor's Cassation. Report on the activity of the prosecutor's office to counteract the drug related crimes in the first half of the year 2007.
76 Source: the National Institute of Statistics:
77 Source: Chief Directorate "Penalty Execution" at the Ministry of Justice
78 Source: Chief Directorate "Penalty Execution" at the Ministry of Justice
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