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Books - A Land Fit for Heroin

ACDD    Advisory Committee on Drug Dependence
ACMD    Advisory Council on Misuse of Drugs
ADFAM Aid for Addicts and Families
CFI    Central Funding Initiative
DAWN    Drugs Alcohol Women Nationally
DDU    Drug Dependency Unit
DHSS    Department of Health and Social Security
ED    Enumeration District (census)
FA    Families Anonymous
GP    General Practitioner (family doctor)
HMSO    Her Majesty's Stationery Office
ISDD    Institute for the Study of Drug Dependence
NACRO National Association for the Care and Resettlement of Offenders
NIDA    National Institute on Drug Abuse (USA)
OPUS    Organisation of Parents under Stress
PNCB    Pakistan Narcotics Control Board
RCMP    Royal Canadian Mounted Police
RCS    Regional Crime Squad
SCPS    Society of Civil and Public Servants (UK)
UNFDAC United Nations Fund for Drug Abuse Control