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1.10 Sexually transmitted diseases (STD's)

Drug Abuse

1.10 Sexually transmitted diseases (STD's)

STD's are contagious venereal diseases and are caused by viruses, bacteria or parasites. They are spread through blood, vaginal secretion, and via contact of the partner's mucous membranes of the genitals, (as in heavy petting). The severity of an STD can vary from being 'inconvenient' (crab lice) to fatal (AIDS). Some STD's (among others chlamyclia) can lead to infertility if not treated in time. With an STD 'under your belt' you stand a greater chance of getting infected with HIV

What are the symptoms? A burning sensation while urinating, itchy labia (female genital lips) or penis head, little warts or blisters on penis, vagina, anus or mouth, and discharge or pus from penis, vagina or anus. Women may have more discharge than usual or the discharge may have an unusual colour or smell. However, the insidious factor with an STD is that someone can be infected without having or developing any symp
toms. One could therefore unknowingly infect others.

Can all STD's, except AIDS, be cured?

No. Herpes genitalis will stay with you forever. So far, there are no medicines for curing hepatitis B but a vaccine in the form of injections is available. (See chapter 'Hepatitis W). Chlamydia, gonorrhoea, crabs and syphilis can easily be cured with proper and timely treatment.

How can getting an STD be prevented? By using condom, designed for women or men.

How do you catch STD's? AIDS - see chapter 'HIV/AIDS' Hepatitis B - see chapter 'Hepatitis B' Chlamydia - unsafe sex, anal sex, blowjobs, heavy petting. Genital warts - unsafe sex, anal sex, cunnilingus, heavy petting, blow-jobs. Herpes genitalis - unsafe sex, anal sex, cunnilingus, heavy petting, blow jobs. Crabs/pubic lice - unsafe sex, anal sex, cunnilingus (while developing a beard), intimate bodily contact. Gonorrhoea/clap - unsafe sex, anal sex, heavy petting, blow-jobs, a small risk with 'French kissing'.

Last Updated (Thursday, 06 January 2011 16:44)


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