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Law - Commentary Protocol Amending The Single Convention

Drug Abuse



Article 22

The Secretary-General shall transmit certified true copies of this Protocol to all the Parties and signatories to the Single Convention. When this Protocol has entered into force pursuant to paragraph 1 of article 18 above, the Secretary-General shall prepare a text of the Single Convention as amended by this Protocol, and shall transmit certified true copies of it to all States Parties or entitled to become Parties to the Convention as amended

Concluding paragraph and attestation clause

DONE at Geneva, this twenty-fifth day of March one thousand nine hundred and seventy-two, in a single copy, which shall be deposited in the archives of the United Nations.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF the undersigned, duly authorized, have signed this Protocol on behalf of their respective Governments.


1.   According to article 40 of the Single Convention those States not yet Parties to that treaty are entitled to. become Parties which are either Members of the United Nations or being non-member States are members of a specialized agency of the United Nations, or Parties to the Statute of the International Court of Justice or are invited by the Council to become Parties to the Single Convention.

2. A State may become a Party to the amended Single Convention either by becoming a Party to its amended text1 or, being already a Party to the unamended Single Convention, by ratifying or acceding to the 1972 Protocol, or, if not yet such a Party, by ratifying or acceding to both the unamended Single Convention and the 1972 Protocol. It is therefore suggested that the Secretary-General should also send certified true copies of the 1972 Protocol not only to the States mentioned in the first sentence of article 22, as that provision requires, but also to States not signatories of the Single Convention entitled under article 40, paragraph 1 to become Parties to that treaty.

1 Article 19, para. (a).