A few mouthfuls can kill an adolescent.
Less than 50mg can kill a non-tolerant adult (and that
could include you!! - see below).
Tranquillisers and/or alcohol with methadone kill
more people each year than heroin overdose!
Most of the people who die from methadone
overdose have been sold it by someone who has got a
As you reduce the amount of methadone you take, your
tolerance will reduce too. So if you do use on top of a low
dose, or go back to heroin after a break, you could easily
overdose on the amount you used to take.
If you ever suspect someone has overdosed on
methadone, lie them on their side in the recovery position
and call an ambulance - an injection can be given to
reverse the effects, provided a paramedic or doctor gets
there in time.