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Drug Abuse
Selected terms chosen to make Marijuana: Medical Papers more useful to the non-specialized reader.
agrypnia. Sleeplessness or insomnia.
angina pectoris. A disease marked by paroxysms of pain in the thorax, with suffocation and fainting. Due to a spasm of the coronary arteries. Occurs often with heart disease.
anodyne. A pain-killing agent, analgesic.
anorexia. Lack or loss of the appetite for food.
anti-diuretic effect. See diuresis, diuretic effect.
ataxia. Muscular incoordination.
bradycardia. An abnormal slowness of the heart, usually applied to a pulse-rate of 60 or less.
chorea. St. Vitus' dance, a convulsive nervous disease.
conjunctival suffusion. Blood-shot eyes.
corneal areflexia. A lack of the blinking reflex.
diuresis, diuretic effect. Increased excretion of urine.
dysmenorrhoea. Painful and difficult menstruation.
dysphasia. An impairment of speech consisting of a failure to arrange words in their proper order.
dyspnea. Difficult or labored breathing.
eclampsia. A sudden attack of convulsions, usually of a puerperal cause.
enteralgia. Pain or neuralgia of the intestines.
febrile restlessness, febrile syndrome. The condition of feverish discomfort and restlessness.
gastrodynia. Pain in the stomach.
glottis spasm. Involuntary contraction of the vocal apparatus. hyperemia. An excess of blood in any particular part of the body.
hyperesthesias. Excessive sensitiveness of the skin or of a special sense.
hypergeusia. An overly acute sense of taste.
hyperphagia. Overeating. hyperreflexia. The exaggeration of reflexes.
hypoglycemia. A deficiency of sugar in the blood.
kymograph. An instrument for recording variations or undulations, arterial or otherwise.
laryngismus stridulus. A disease of children marked by a sudden spasm of the voice box, attended by a crowing inspiration and blueness of the skin.
macropsy. A condition in which things are seen larger than they really are.
menorrhagia. Abnormally profuse menstruation.
metritis. Inflammation of the uterus.
micropsy. A condition in which things are seen smaller than they really are.
myoclonic movement. A spasm of a muscle or muscles.
myodynia. Pain in muscle.
neuralgia. A pain in a nerve or nerves, or radiating along the course of a nerve.
neurasthenia. Nervous prostration; a nervous disorder characterized by abnormal fatiguability.
oedema of the eyelids. Watery eyes, tears, and swelling of the eyelids.
paresis. Slight or incomplete paralysis.
paresthesia. Abnormal sensations; a burning, prickling, etc.
peripheral neuritis. Inflammation of the nerve-endings or of terminal nerves.
peritonitis. Inflammation of the smooth, strong, colorless membrane lining the abdominal walls and containing the viscera.
phthisis. A progressive wasting away of the body or part of the body often with expectoration of opaque matter and sometimes blood.
placenta praevia. A placenta that comes between the intrauterine cavity and the inner orifice of the cervical canal. It may lead to fatal hemorrhage.
praecordial discomfort. Discomfort in the region over the heart or stomach: the epigastrium and lower part of the thorax.
pruritis. Intense itching, a symptom of various skin diseases.
puerperal convulsions. Convulsions pertaining to childbirth.
pulmonary oedema. A condition in which the lungs fill with fluid.
rheumatism. A constitutional disease marked by inflammation of the connective tissue, especially the muscles and joints, attended by pain.
Roentgenogram. A photograph taken with Roentgen-rays (X-rays).
sacralgia. Pain in the sacrum, the five fused vertebrae wedged between the pelvic bones.
sciatica. A painful inflammation of the sciatic nerve, usually a neuritis attended with a partial paralysis of the leg and sometimes a wasting of the calf muscles.
sciatic nerve. A nerve running along the lower pelvis to the lower back and legs.
spinal sclerosis. A condition of the spinal cord characterized by a hardening from inflammation and overgrowth of tissue.
sudorific effect. Sweat-producing.
tachycardia. Excessive rapidity of the heart, a term usually applied to a pulse rate above 130 per minute.
thalamic structures. A mass of gray matter at the base of the brain.
tic douloureux. A spasmodic facial neuralgia.
torticollis. A contraction of muscles resulting in a twisted neck and abnormal position of the head.
trismus. Lock-jaw, a condition accompanying tetanus.
urticaria. Nettle-rash or hives; smooth, slightly elevated patches, usually whiter than surrounding skin and attended by severe itching.
uterine leucorrhea. A thick whitish discharge from the uterus and vagina. Symptomatic of vaginal and uterine congestion.
vasodilation. Dilation of blood vessels.