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Drug Abuse
There is no special arrangement in force in regard to the control of the growth of the hemp plant in this State. Gvnja and charas are not produced here. The zemindars in some of the villages grow bhang either close to their wells or on the borders of their fields on a very limited scale. Here and there may be found wild plants of bhang, but it does not grow to any appreciable extent. The system obtaining .in this State for the management of the excise administration of the hemp drugs is that the State grants the monopoly of the import 'and sale of drugs, including poppy and opium, to a contractor for a fixed period under cêrtain stated terms. In September last the contract for drugs, including poppy aud opium, MIR given for three years for Rs. 10,550. This sum has been ascertained from enquiry to include Re. 9,000 on account of poppy and opium and the balance, Rs. 1,550, represents the ineome on account of excise duty on.bhang, ganja, and charas. In addition to the excise duty, bhang is liable to pay octroi duty at ten alums per maand, while ganja and charas are exempt from octroi taxation. Ganja, it will be observed, is neither produced nor imported here. *Charas is imported for consumption into. the State to the extent of 61 mannds annually, while the production of bhang in the State is almost sufficient for the requirements of the people. If at'any time any small, quantity is required over and above the local produce, it is obtained from elsewhere by the contractor under restrictions imposed on it in British territory or other Native States from which it is imported.
2. With these preliminary remarks, we proceed to discuss seriatim the points alluded to in the note which accompanied the letter from the Secretary to the Indian Hemp Drugs Commission on the subject :—
(a) There is a uniform system for the State. It is this : The contract for all the drugs, including poppy and opium, is given for a flied sum and for a stated period to a contractor under certain terms agreed upon at the time of the contract. The State merely receives the contract money in fixed instalments, and makes no interference in the management which is left entirely in the hands of the contractor; The principal revenue officer of the State is supposed to be the • central controlling authority, but the administration of the system is virtually carried on by the contractor for the time being. There is no Act or Regulation in force in regard to excise administration. The whole system is based on the few conditions agreed to by the contractor at the time of the contract.
(b) Wild hemp is not produced to an appreciable. extent in this State and is not much used. No attempt has been made to control the possession or sale thereof:
(c) The hemp plant for the production of ganja and charas is not cultivated. as already explained, is cultivated close to the wells and on the borders of the fields by a few zemindars, but its cultivation is not prohibited, nor is there any restriction as to the localities of cultivation.
(d) Ganja is not imported here, but bhang and charas are imported by the contractor according to requirements. He makes his own arrangements for their supervision and for controlling the storing and transport of these drugs. •
(e) The State tas granted the monopoly of the import and sale of these drugs to a contractor, who sublets the farm and issues licenses at his pleasure to the different shopkeepers in the several tahsils or other localities for the sale of drugs.
(f) No answer is needed. This system is explained elsewhere.
(g) The number and sites of retail shops are fixed by the contractor:according to requirements without reference to the authorities. The licenses are granted by him to the retail shopkeepers on payment of a fee to be agreed upon between the parties. The number of shops is not determined with. refAnce to area and population, ncir is there anything in the nature of "local option."
(h) There is no rate fixed at which the drug must be. supplied by the wholesale te retail vendors. The rates differ according to the demand and supply at different times. The present rates are given below :--
The retail price does not differ much in different districts. It is almost the same everywhere.
(i) There is no maximum amount fixed for retail sales to, or possession by the ordinary consumer, who can buy and possess drugs sufficient for one month's consumption from a licensed vendor. He cannot, however, import them, nor can he buy them from any other but the licensed•vendor. There is no minimum price fixed for the drugs.
(j) No estimate can be made of the extent smuggling from other provinces or other Native States prevails here. It is the business of the contractor to check smuggling, and when any cases are reported, the smugglers are arrested and, if found guilty, are punished and the illicit drug is confiscated. Bhang cultivated or grown in fields is either sold to the contractor, or the proprietor obtains a license from the former for its sale.
(k) No modifications of the present excise system in respect to hemp drugs are under consideration.
(l) The appended statement* will show as far as possible the extent of cultivation and trade, the sources of retail supply, the amount of consumption and the revenue of this State in respect to the hemp drugs.
Members of Council..