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Drug Abuse
Report of the Superintendent, Poona Lunatic Asylum, on the Hemp Drug cases of 1892.
With reference to your letter No. 149, dated Simla, roth October 1893, and accom-paniments, I have the honour to state I have communicated by letter with the different Magistrates under whose warrants lunatics suffering from the effects of hemp drugs were admitted into this Asylum in 1892 and up to 16th September 1893, the date of inspection of Asylum by two members of your Committee. Information regarding the previous history of all the lunatics has not y-et been furnished, if any facts of importance are subsequently received they will be communicated.
2. The discrepancy referred to in notes appended to " Hemp drug cases admitted in 1892" is explained as follows :—
Case No. 4, LAXMAN NAND RAM, is returned separately under two headings, viz. ganja and spirit-drinking. This is incorrect, as both headings refer to the same lunatic.
The correct statement should be-
4 due to ganja.
1 due to ganja and spirit-drinking.
1 due to bhang.
Total ... 6
The following additional information has been received :—
Case I, GULJARSHA GULABSHA.—The city Magistrate, Poona, reports that no friends or relations of this man can be traced, hence no information regarding him is forthcoming. It is believed the acute mania from which Guljarsha Gulabsha suffered was due to the excessive use of ganja.
Case 2, RANG NATH TRIMBACK MOODLIAR.—This man is reported in vernacular Yadi received with letter, dated 2nd December '893, from City Magistrate, Poona, to have been in a good state of health (presumably mentally and bodily) for a year previous to admission. He did no work and drank one or two pice worth of bhang daily at noon but never smoked ganja. When under the influence of bhang, he became violent. The acute mania, for which he was admitted, is said to be the first attack, and I am of opinion it was induced by the excessive use of bhang for a long period.
Case 3, TRIMBAK VINAYAK.—The City Magistrate reports that no friends or relations of this man have as yet been found.
Case 4, LAXMAN NAND RAM.—The City Magistrate reports Laxman Nand Ram was in good health previous to present attack. He had been addicted to ganja-smoking (one or two pice worth daily) for a long time. I am of opinion the continuous use of ganja slowly affected his nervous system and produced the attack of chronic *mania,* which necessitated his admission.
Case 5,TARAS RAM.—The first class Magistrate, Bhusaval, reports in his letter, dated 6th December 1893, that nothing reliable can be ascertained regarding the early history of this man. His father died at Nasirabad some twenty years ago, and Paras Ram was not afterwards heard of until three years ago, when he was considered a lunatic and remained as such until transferred to this Asylum. The Magistrate further states that, except the report of the Medical Officer, nothing is known in the district as to his having been addicted to the use of ganja or alcohol. From the facts adduced it is difficult to decide whether the insanity is due to the excessive use of hemp drugs or otherwise, but from appearance of patient I am inclined to believe that the use of hemp drugs was the most likely cause.
Case 6, HARI TRIMBAK RANADE.—The Huzur Deputy Collector and Magistrate, Satara, reports that Hari Trimbak Ranade was an excessive smoker of ganja for a long-time, but continued in good health until he was seized with cholera four or five months before getting insane. His nervous system was probably impaired by excessive ganja-smoking before the cholera seizure, therefore the latter disease, though it may have hastened the mania, can scarcely be considered a predisposing cause. I am of opinion that the ganja habit would eventually have led to mania, though neither cholera nor other disease supervened.